Part 2

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3 years later

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3 years later

Venality DH (dining hall) ~ early morning

Christine p.o.v




I stared into the endless void that laid beyond the plate before me. I moved the eggs around my plate with fork. I had no intention of actually eating them but the least I could do was pretend to seem interested in them, right?

Kim: *sigh* you know Chrissy, if you not gonna eat them eggs then you could give them to someone who wanted seconds......hello? Chris? Earth to Chris?

Kim leans forward and waves his hand in my face snapping me out of my trance

Christine: sorry. I was kindda lost....

Kim: trust me I could tell. Anyways what are your plans for this summer. Any big events that need a professional party planner * mischievous grin* huh huh?

I chuckled. For as long as we had been friends here at venality high, Kim and I had always found ourselves in one form of trouble or the other. Kim was an outgoing person and I liked that about him. Even when I had expressed my clear hate for the school and all it students to him, he still stuck to me like a sore thumb.

Christine: welllll.... * Reflects Kim's evil smirk* I was looking forward to trying out that new ride at the fair before everyone else did.

Kim: I see what I can do. Sunday night? * Puts hand out for a hand shake*

Christine: bet! * Takes his hand and bro shakes it*

Kim: cool! I got magic class right now. See you around.

Chris: cool. Bye







Sunday afternoon

Christopher hobbler's office

Author p.o.v

Mr. Hobbler is the magic teacher for the first-grade sub division one. The head of the hellion mage sub division two and the lord of ISLE, the elementary school for sorcerers 

Mr. Hobbler: Christine luthox for the last time! How many times do I have to tell you to improve in my classes. It's not even because your dumb. your just downright lazy!

Cristine: hmmm. Sure...

Mr. Hobbler: your practical subjects are all good. More than good actually. Excellent some would say...

Christine: hmm thank you sir.

Mr. Hobbler: ...but when it comes to's as if you don't want anything to do with it!

Christine: hmmm.... excellent observation sir.

Mr. Hobbler: Christine are you even listening...?

Christine: ...yes sir

Mr. Hobbler: *long sigh* your father would be really disappointed.

Christine: don't bring my father into this!

Mr. Hobbler: I wouldn't need to if you would just try to pass my subject at least!

Christine: No one cares about your stupide magic classes anyways

Mr. Hobbler: * stands up* watch your tone young miss * points to the door* and if I were you, I'd work on improving so I could live up to the family legacy.

Christine: * walks to the door and half turns back to almost face him* and if I were you * faces the doorway again* I would mind my own business.

She leaves the room fuming with anger.

She makes her way to the middle-class building. And climbs to the fourth floor.




 Christine p.o.v



Tch! what was his problem. It's not like I wanted to be in this freakish magic school to begin with. He should just piss off!

I turned sharply into the empty hallway. Everyone one else was probably in homeroom class by now. No specific lesson so I don't really see why I should attend it. Besides I have better things that need attending to.

Quietly I creep up to the top floor in the middle-class building. No one's around. No one should be around anyways. This part of the middle-class build has been abandoned for years. I'm certain that nobody but me still even comes up here. Which makes it all the more perfect to hide my secret room in.

Cristine: * holds palm out against the wall* domain expansion. Lunarian library!

The brick laid walls melt inward where my hand makes contact with the wall forming a gold-plated door handle.

Christine: * smirks knowingly* it never gets old.

I open the dimension door and walk into the domain making sure to shut and seal the magic behind me.

Christen: well then- * stretch's arms and smiles* time to get to work ey!

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