001| not gonna be the same

17 1 0

Warning: None
Word Count: 530

The couple was laying down on their bed while they planned what their nursery was going to look like. Brooke had her head on the chocolate brown haired boys chest and his arm was tightly wrapped around her. "I think we should do do a baby pink." Mattheo suggested with a grin. She nodded happily.

"That would work. We have more time after Mila is born to because she is gonna be sleeping in our room for a little but when she is going to be in her own room it will already be finished."

"I think that is smart. It takes away some of the stress. All we really need is a bassinet and some blankets we don't use." With the amount of people who lived in the house they could find at least one blanket but Brooke wanted Mila to have her own blanket. She wanted her to look back on this blanket when she was older and know that she had it since she was born.

"No. I want her to have her own blanket." She didn't have to say anything more before Mattheo agreed. He wanted her to have everything she wanted for their baby girl.

"Okay, we can go shopping tomorrow to see what bassinets and blankets they have. Do we need anything else?" The girl shook her head against him and curled up closer, his arm tightening around her.

"Nope, not that I can think of."

"Then try and get some sleep. You need to be well rested." The boy kissed Brooke's hair and let it linger there for a little before letting his eyes fall back onto the ceiling where they originally laid. She smiled and let her eyes fall shut but, like normal, sleep didn't come to her. Mattheo didn't know that she was having trouble sleeping but she didn't want him to know. It isn't that she didn't feel safe because she always feels the safest when she is in his arms but at night was the one time her mind was occupied and could run freely.

She laid against him with her eyes shut but her mind running of all the possible things that can go wrong with this pregnancy. She didn't want to mess up like she always had in life. Her father left her when she was young and she only really had her mother, who didn't really want anything to do with her. She would think about it every night, staying up for hours, thinking about everything that could go wrong and how she would handle it if it did.

Belle Malfoy, sister to Draco Malfoy, was the only one how knew about the thoughts. It wasn't that she couldn't trust Mattheo because she trusted him more then anything, it was because she didn't want him to become stressed over her stressing. Pansy Parkinson, Theodore Nott, Belle Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, Daphne Greengrass, and Lorenzo Berkshire all lived in the same house, but they loved it. They have always been the family they didn't get and would protect each other with everything the had, some more then others.

Hopefully the stress wouldn't overflow.

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