The start

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(Quick background: Sora is your local teenager, being 13. She played Identity v quite often, being more of a survivor main. She was a middle school musician, playing saxophone, tho she wasn't the best one there. She was socially awkward and usually a good kid so when she got in trouble, it was brushed off. She was in her pj's, similar to this:

"My pj's"(Let's just say, she was tired as fuck)

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"My pj's"
(Let's just say, she was tired as fuck)

For now on: ( ) =thoughts
// //= talking to the audience directly
* *= action
" " =dialogue

"God, school is tiring..." *she sighed as she opened the door to her home, she just wanted to sleep but had to get the key and head to this lady's house to take care of her house* "mom, I'm Mother? Father?"
*Sora noticed a note on the Island in the Kitchen* "I swear, if these are chores to make up for the money I owe her, I'm gonna lose it..."
*The note read "Dear Sora, me and your dad have gone out on a date, John (her brother) is at his friend's house and Alison (Her sister) is at your grandparents, go take care of the ladies cat's and we'll be back around 10 PM with John, stay safe and don't open the door for anyone until we get back. love, mom", she sighed. She grabbed the keys to the woman's house and walked up to her house //around half a mile away//*
*Sora was on her phone watching some YouTube, Watching some DukO, laughing at some random shit like this:

*she soon got to the ladies house and took care of the cats before relaxing on the couch, playing some Identity V*
"God, Joseph is so fucking annoying...Luckily, I'm a silly little Naib so I can take his silly little hits and flee the scene... >:)" *Sora soon finished playing the match and got off her phone, getting ready to leave the woman's house to head back home*
*a letter suddenly flew by her head, she saw a that had her name on it so she grabbed it quickly and held onto it as she went home, she got home and opened the letter to see that there was a note...all it said was:"you have been chosen...", huh, creepy*
"What the, must be nothing. "
*Sora got herself some Pizza that her dad got her before they left so she had something to eat, she ate about 3 slices before getting ready and going to bed, she got into bed and fell asleep, covered by a grey and white blanket. Later in the middle of the night, she felt some cold arms remove her from her bed but with her blanket and carry her somewhere*
*the next day, in the morning, Sora woke up in a random room, covered with her blanket, she opened the door to  a fancy-looking hallway*
"Where the fuck am I?!"
*she suddenly saw someone come out of their room and walked towards her, holding some kind of box, their face expressionless*
??? :"mind being quite..."
Sora:"Who the hell are you?! Are you the one who kidnapped me?!"
??? :"No, miss, I didn't, the manner owner did. I'm also Aesop Carl, the Embalmer of the manor, pleasure to meet you, I guess..."
*Aesop suddenly put a hand over h e t mouth*
Aesop: The others don't like being woken up so please, quiet down...and you can't see her right now
Sora:"Why...?! I want to leave! "
Aesop: "she never reveals herself...and besides, if we could leave, we would have done so already..."
Aesop: "now I suggest you change out of your pajamas, the manor owner left you some clothes that she thought you might like."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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