Months later.

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It's been a coupe months since josh and mully have been friends. Mully had introduced his mates to josh and they loved him. They're starting up a youtube channel called the boys. You have Grant (YourNarrator), Eddie(eddieVr), Gaege(JuicyFruitSnacks), Mully(Sleepymully) and Jos (JoshDub?DubDaddy). Mully and Joh got closer, maybe a bit to close, if they could chnage what they are about to do, im sure they would.

Mully's POV:
"Piss off mully!!" Josh giggles as i start to shadowbox him.
"Oos OOS!" I make the noises as i punch the air.
The josh pushes me on to the bed and i grab his shirt as a reflex and i pulled him on to me accidently. For a solid 60 seconds we stare into one anothers eyes and i see him glance at my lips for a second. His crystal blue eyes were locked onto mine, i felt something there but i don't know what. That was until i felt his lips on mine and we closed our eyes, melting into the kiss.

"WILLIAM JONAS!!" My mum screamed at me as she burst through my door.
I quickly push josh off me. Her face softened but was still angry.
"What the fuck are you doing with that wanderers boy huh!?!? You know we have nothing to do with that disgusting family!" She bellowed, "Disgusting!"
"Mum you liked him until you found out he was a wanderer whats so wrong with him?? He did nothin wrong! And honestly...nor did his family"I scream back.
"Get him out of my house. And to think you had kissed him is even worse!!" She shouted.
Me and josh walk fast out of the house. i didn't even say goodbye i just threw him out and slammed the door in is face...his handsome...beautiful face...

Josh's POV:
The hings that had happened jumbled up in my mind, my head was spinning when he slammed the door in my face. Not even a goodbye...I hope he'll be ok. I remember that we kissed and realised it was the best thing thats happened, but then i realise that that may have ruined our friendship. I'll speak to him tomorrow at school. I hope nothing bad will happen to him or me for that fact. I think i him..?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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