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1919 Walford, London

Sam stood staring out of the kitchen window, watching the snow settle, adding to the bleak outlook she was already feeling.

The Edward's were coming back to Walford, and she wasn't sure how to feel about it.

Sam distinctly remembered the Edwards children, who seemed to have grown up with the Mitchell kids as one big family. But she knew there had been troubles, although it seemed that nobody knew the full extent of it. An abusive step father, ailing mother... Sam sighed. Jay in particular had been distraught when they'd left, distant and on edge for weeks. The two were soulmates, it was plain to see. And then he'd come back from France, ranting and raving about how he'd found her, little Honey Edwards, in the trenches.

That place had taken its toll on the minds of the soldiers who had made it back, and her Jay was no exception.

It'd been perhaps 6 months, 7 at most since the Mitchell boys had returned, and they'd thrown themselves into life in Walford, determined to make something of themselves. She let them be, supporting them where necessary, and keeping out of it when not. But still, she heard Jay crying out for Honey Edwards night on night, and knew there was nothing she could do.

Until now. The Edwards's were returning. God knows what that would mean for Jay. Would Honey even be with them?

Just then, the door to the kitchen burst open, and Jay ran into the room, closely followed by Ben and Jamie.

"They're back, Aunt Sam," Jay panted, trying to get his breath back. "The Edwards, they're back." And for the first time since he'd come back from France, Sam saw Jay smile.

"He's still going on about Honey Edwards being in France," grumbled Jamie, taking a cigarette and lighting it.

Sam sighed. If Honey was indeed with them, it would either confirm or deny Jay's ramblings. And she wasn't sure which outcome would be best.

"Jay, we've gone over this - you know it's impossible that she was there."

"It was her, I know it." Jay's blue eyes were daring her to challenge him.

"Women weren't allowed on the front line, Jay. This is all in your head." Ben's words came out harsher than he'd intended.

Jay marched over to Ben, and taking him by the lapel, shoved him against the wall. "I am so fucking tired of hearing this shit. I am not losing my fucking mind, you hear me? Honey bloody Edwards was there. I saw her with my own eyes. Now we let her go once, you remember? You cried yourself to sleep for a week - don't deny it - I heard you. But she was there. Honey Edwards was in those trenches, with me. She got shot in the chest, was fucking bleeding out in front of me, and I don't know if she's still alive. But bloody hell if she's arriving in Walford today, I'll prove to you that she was there."

Jay took a step back, letting go of Ben and looking around at his shocked family. He sighed. Their constant denial that any of this could have happened was making him question his own sanity. "I'm going to the Vic," he said, before leaving as quickly as he'd arrived.

Sam turned to Jamie and Ben. "I don't know what to think, boys," she said to them. "If Honey Edwards arrives with her family today, she will either confirm that that poor girl was in the trenches, or that our Jay has lost his fucking mind."

It was a rare occasion for the family to be at the yard together, but Aunt Sam had insisted that they head over there to spend time together. The horses kept Jay calm, and God knows they'd need that.

Jay was quiet, lost in his own thoughts, as his siblings walked beside him, equally silent. They heard voices as they approached the yard.

"Well I don't know, Miss, I'll have to check with Mr Mitchell, it being his yard and all."

"I understand, but please know - I'm a hard worker, I'm stronger than I look, and I'm good with horses."

"I'm sure, Miss."

"You can ask Jay? He'll put in a good word for me - I'm off to see him today if..."

"You alright there, Miss?"

"Yes, thank you. I just need to sit down. I, er, I got shot and I'm still recovering..."

Jay froze. The voice, with just a trace of a Posh lilt. It was Coraline.

Before anyone could stop him, he'd rushed off towards where Alfie was standing, taking to someone just out of sight, coming to a halt as she came into view, seated on a nearby stool.

She was just as he'd remembered her as a soldier, but with longer hair, and a simple, plain blouse and skirt.

"Honey," he breathed, and her blue eyes widened as she saw him.

He took a faltering step towards her, before breaking into a run, sweeping her into his arms and holding onto her for dear life, ignorant to the bemused look of Alfie, and the stares of his family. He held her head against his chest, stroking her hair with one hand.

"You're alive, you're alive," he was muttering to himself.

"Let the poor girl breathe, Jay," Aunt Sam was by his side, and he unwillingly let Honey go. Aunt Sam's eyes swept over the girl, taking in her blue eyes and slight frame. God the girl looked frail.

"Honey!" Ben, Jamie and Louise were running towards her now, each taking in turns to embrace her, which with only a moments hesitation, she returned.

Jay was entranced, unable to take his eyes off the girl in front of him, being greeted by his loved ones as an old family member.

"It's a good job you're back, Honey," he heard Ben saying. "Our Jay was starting to lose his mind, spouting off nonsense about you being in the trenches together..." This tore Jay from his trance, and he stepped towards Honey, his face determined.

"Show me," he said, his teeth gritted. "Show them where you were bloody shot."

"Fucks sake, Jay," groaned Jamie, trying to push him away from her.

"Show me that this isn't in my head, that I'm losing my mind. You were shot in France, and you were dying in front of me." Jay could feel the blood roaring in his ears as the memories of that day came rushing back. He so badly needed to prove to his family, to himself, that he wasn't crazy.

"We were both fuckin' dying in that trench," he was shouting now, almost oblivious to the shocked stares of his family.

"Jay..." Louise tried to take his arm, but he shook her hand off him.

"No!" He turned back to Honey, taking his hands clasping onto her shoulders. His voice was quieter now, but more intense than they'd ever heard it. "You were shot in the chest, and I bloody let you bleed out in front of me. Your heart stopped. I felt it, Honey, I felt it stop under my very fingers. And when I couldn't start it again, I wanted mine to stop too."

Honey's face was deathly pale, her huge blue eyes flooded with tears as she gently prised Jay's hands from her, and, with trembling fingers, undid the top 3 buttons of her high neck blouse, pulling the fabric to the side to show her pale skin, marred with a dark, angry scar.

Jay fell to his knees, his legs suddenly unable to support him, and for once, he didn't care about this display of weakness in front of his family. He wasn't going mad, she had been there. In his peripheral vision, he saw Honey kneel beside him, pulling him towards her and embracing him, rocking him backwards and forth like a child.

"I'm here, Jay," she soothed. "We made it. We both survived, and now we are together again."

He put his arms around her, resting his ear over her chest, listening to the gentle thud of her heartbeat. In that moment, Jay thought he'd never heard anything so beautiful.

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