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ねね . . . Have you heard about the mystery of UA High? You know, The Best Hero School in Japan have some mysteries . . . What? You never heard of it? Well then let me tell you the famous one. The UA high have The Seven Mystery, the famous one is The Seventh of The Seventh Wonders . . . Do you know about The Seventh of The Seven Rumor then?

ね ね have you heard? . . . About the seventh of the seven Wonders? Have you notice a drawing on the UA rooftops wall. That's right, The Dragon Painting.

Someone said they appeared after someone who died on the hallway, she the one who killed her own best friend by stabbing a knife on their head. After her friend death, she killed herself.

They says she used to stay on the rooftop on break time or even after school, after her death the drawing appears. Some said they see her on the rooftop wearing a seifuku and a knife on her head representing how she killed her best friend.

If you ever met her. . . You have to be careful. If she like you she'll grant you a wish, and if she don't. . . She'll kill you and used your blood as the paint she'll used for her next painting

So. . . Do you want to meet her then? Would you be able to survive from her? So many questions but no answer hmm what a shame. . . You'll have to meet her if you want to find out about it.

May you still be alive after you meet her then, best of luck

(Author: I'm to lazy and have no time to draw it on digital so bear with this one first ok? Ok (hope I have the time to draw it on digital))

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