Chapter 2~Mal is homesick

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I sat on the bed of Mal while Evie was doing adjustments on Mal's dress. Mal was gazing longingly at her old jacket, that she had worn back when she first arrived, with a frown. It was more of a pout than a frown but she would never admit to pouting. "Did you ever think about what we would do if we were still on the Isle?" Mal asked her best friend. "Ha! That's funny." Evie said while admiring her work. Suddenly the Royal News came on the tv. "Ah! Look who's on the tv!" Evie said with an excited voice. "As the royal couple continue their tour of the kingdom, they dined with Aladdin and Jasmine." The tv switches to a clip of how Mal spit in her dress, then one of the servant give her a napkin.

"Six months ago no one thought that King Ben and his girlfriend from the wrong side of the Bridge would last." The reporter said. "Yeah, no kidding." Mal said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "Mal must be counting down the days till the Royal Cotillion, when she'll become officially the lady of the court!" The reporter said, on this Mal gasped and grabbed a brown book with golden details. "Read it fast at lighting speed, remember everything i need." She read it out of the book then grabbed a red book then she started to read it, like really fast. Actually, I'm pretty sure she was just flipping the pages. "I know Mal's secret to fitting in, and Ben wouldn't like it one bit. Haven't you guys had enough secrets between the two of you guys already?" Evie says as she walks over to the bed. "Evie, you know how i was like before i started to use the Spell book. I mean, i was a complete disaster." Mal said defending herself. "Well personally, as one of your best friends, i believe this belongs in the Museum," Evie says taking away the spell book from Mal. "Along with my mirror." Evie said with a serious expression. Mal then starts to pout even harder than she did before. "Don't give me that face. Put the pout away. Mm-hmm. You know i'm right." Evie says as she walks away.

"You don't ever miss running wild and breaking all the rules?" She asked. "Like stealing, lying and fighting?" "You did what?" I muttered, slightly shocked that Mal talked so openly about their lives back on the Isle. "Yeah!" Mal said happily. "No!" "What?!" "M,Cass," Evie said, leading us in front of the tv. "We're in Auradon! We're Auradon girls!" She said with a happy voice. "Since Mal revealed her love for strawberries, she has been receiving tons of them from her admires. Here she is enjoying a cozy bite..." The reporter said in the tv. "See, this the land of opportunity! We can be whatever we want to be here." She said while rubbing Mal's and my shoulder. "So please, let's just leave the past in the past, okay?" She asked looking at Mal. "Besides, look at these shoes, look at them!" She said admiring the shoe. "Mm, Severe." I said while Mal just gave a weak smile.


After Evie made adjustments on my Cotillion dress as well, I went to find my childhood friend. Just as I was walking on the campus I caught a glimpse of Ben's blue suit. "Ben! Hey, wait up!" The brown hair King turned around and waved while I ran to catch up to him. "Hi! So how was the fitting?" "It went great! The News showed your trip in Agrabah..." I trailed off, wondering if I should tell him about the Spell book. "Did something happen? Was Mal that embarrassed by that clip?" Ben asked in concern. "No, no nothing like that. However I think your jaw is gonna drop the moment you see your girlfriend in her beautiful dress." I explained, trying to stir the conversation in a different way. "Really? It's that magnificent of a dress?" "Uh-huh." "Right, what else could we expect from Evie. Also, while we are on the subject of Cotillion, do you think the window is not overkill? Like at all?" My friend asked. "Pfft! Why would it be overkill? It just shows your devotion to her. And once she sees it, I'm sure she won't stop giving you heart eyes 'till the end of the party." Ben was about to respond when the bell rang. "Shit! However much I would love to continue, not everybody has the privilege to have classes on only 2 days out of the week. So, bye!" I said running towards the literature classroom wihle hearing Ben's faint 'Bye!'.

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