“Like what? Join a guild and hunt wild boars? Sorry, but I'm not joining Shadow Garden or getting myself sweaty running around in a damn forest looking for something that could probably break every bone in my body.” You rolled your eyes and crosses your arms, an eyebrow raised.

Snapping your grimoire shut, the black haired teen grabbed your chin and tilted your head up, his voice nearly quiet as he spoke, his tone full of promise. “I would never let anyone or anything hurt you. Not under my watch and not again. And if anyone manages to do that, I'll kill them in the most gruesome way. I would do anything for you.”

Anything.” He reiterated, staring down at you and watching your eyes dart away.

“Well.... You said anything, right? Then how about we..... We can do something together, right? Like a d-date.....” You cursed yourself for stumbling over your words like that.

Your cheeks began heating up when Cid chuckled, his fingers brushing over your ear as he bumped his nose against yours, his eyes full of mirth. “Have I ever told you how cute you are?”


Sighing, he pressed a kiss to the corner of your lips, brushing his thumb over your bottom lip and releasing you from his grasp as he turned away and cleared his throat, his legs crossing slightly.

“W-well, I think you're very cute. Even cuter than Eta-”

Shaking your head, you siddled up to him, tilting your head to the side as you got in his face. “No one is cuter than Eta, though. I think she's very adorable. Epsilon too...”

Biting back a grin, the black haired male reached out to poke your nose, his tone mischievous. “Well I think you're cuter than her and if you wouldn't mind, maybe we could-”

“If you want to live, don't finish that sentence.” You cut him off with a sharp look, the grimoire on your desk floating behind his head.

Bursting into laughter, Cid pulled you into his chest, his palms splayed on your back. “You have a dirty mind.”

“No, I don't. Your joke was just stupid and it's been so overused for years.” You rolled your eyes, placing your hands on his chest and pushing at him.

“It was just a joke-”

Your eyebrows twitched at those words and you sat up properly, coming face to face with him as you cut him off. “And what if I said I wanted to sit on Alexander's face?? Then I said oH, iT's a JoKe!

“Don't be ridiculous, you will not be sitting on anyone's face that isn't mine, (Name).” he sighed, giving you a gentle headbutt.

Scoffing, you pushed at his shoulders and gave him a dirty look. “Oh, but you want me to pardon a threesome joke?”

“It's not like I'm actually attracted to anyone else! Do you know how long I've been in love with you???” letting you go, Cid leaned back against your coffee table in resignation.

Rolling your eyes, you poked him in the chest, your eyes narrowed. “Why don't you enlighten me?”

“The first rain of our first year. The week after you transferred there, I saw people running from one end of the courtyard to the other, but you.... You didn't come back to class and when I looked out the window again, you and Nishino were dancing in the rain together.” He muttered, looking away from you as his cheeks tinged a bright red.

Scratching the back of his head, Cid continued, his voice low as he glanced at you and away again. “Before then, I'd never seen you smile.... But when you were dancing in the rain with her, you were smiling and you looked.... You looked really beautiful. That was when I fell in love with you, even though you didn't notice me until Spring ended and I started Taekwondo.”

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