Chapter 2:Growing Up; The Elementary

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My mom was very concerned about my well-being because she didn't want to make the same mistake her mother had made. Despite all the things she gave me I lacked one thing; her attention. She gave me everything but was so busy that sometimes I didn't get to see her for two weeks. When I was two years old,  I started going to school. I was a top-class school. My mother had told the story severally; of how she was raped by an unknown man and had me. Teachers mostly used that to taunt me. Illegitimate, they used to say. Unfortunate child, they'd also say. I would cry and cry but Mom wouldn't be there for me to tell her and whenever she was there she wouldn't even listen.

One time the was a festival going on at school and everyone was participating I was given the lead role. I told Mom to come but of course, she was too busy to come. When it was my turn to perform the MC while introducing me said" Let's welcome the only Bastard Malika Robinson " and everyone kept laughing. That was one moment I wished my mother had been there to protect me and be that shield for me. I cried myself to sleep that night. When I told her I didn't want to go to that school anymore she thought the material things she bought me had gone into my head and seized them. She didn't change my school and still didn't give me any attention and I still kept on crying myself to sleep every night. The house was very big and also very empty. My nanny didn't care for me either she only cared about her salary. I felt really sad at times and wished I had a Father, maybe he wouldn't be like my mother.

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