Chapter 5 A Tense Reunion

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As Wesley pulled up the driveway to Lucky's house, Christian's heart raced with anticipation. He hadn't seen Ben in months, and the thought of reuniting with his childhood sweetheart filled him with excitement. But Wesley's stern grip on his wrist brought him back to reality.

"Remember, Christian, we're here to make a good impression," Wesley reminded him, his voice tinged with authority. "No drama, no embarrassing scenes."

Christian nodded, though a flicker of defiance burned within him. He and Ben had been together since they were fourteen, their relationship marked by ups and downs, including Christian's recent suggestion of an open relationship—a decision that had strained their bond.

As they stepped out of the car, Christian's gaze swept over the familiar surroundings of Lucky's neighborhood. He and Ben had grown up next door to each other, their families close friends for decades. But beneath the surface of their idyllic childhood friendship lay secrets and unresolved tensions.

The sound of laughter and chatter drifted from Lucky's backyard, where the BBQ party was in full swing. Christian's heart skipped a beat at the thought of seeing Ben again, but Wesley's stern expression reminded him of the delicate balance they had to maintain.

As they approached the party, Christian's nerves kicked into overdrive. He knew that facing Ben would mean confronting the unresolved issues between them, including the strain caused by Christian's suggestion of an open relationship. But he was determined to make things right, to prove to Ben—and himself—that their love was worth fighting for.

As they entered the backyard, Christian's eyes immediately sought out Ben, who stood chatting with a group of friends. The sight of his ex-boyfriend sent a rush of conflicting emotions coursing through him—longing, regret, and a fierce desire to make things right.

But before Christian could approach him, Wesley intervened, his grip tightening on Christian's arm. "Let's grab a drink first," he suggested, his tone masking the tension that simmered between them.

Reluctantly, Christian followed Wesley to the drinks table, his thoughts consumed by the prospect of facing Ben. As he poured himself a drink, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at him, knowing that their reunion would be anything but easy.

Meanwhile, tensions between Wesley and Lucky, Christian's adoptive father, simmered beneath the surface. Their relationship had always been strained, fueled by years of mutual resentment and unresolved conflicts. And as they crossed paths at the party, their animosity bubbled to the surface, threatening to erupt into open confrontation.

"Lucky," Wesley greeted, his voice cold and clipped. "Still playing the role of the doting father, I see."

Lucky's jaw clenched at Wesley's barb, but he forced a tight smile. "Always a pleasure to see you, Wesley," he replied, his tone laced with thinly veiled sarcasm. "Though I can't say the feeling is mutual."

Christian watched the exchange with growing unease, torn between his loyalty to Wesley and his desire to maintain peace with his adoptive family. He knew that any confrontation between them could escalate quickly, and he dreaded the thought of being caught in the crossfire.

But as the tension mounted, Christian knew that he couldn't avoid the inevitable confrontation forever. He would have to face Ben and confront the unresolved issues between them, no matter how difficult it might be.

As the evening wore on, Christian's nerves frayed with each passing moment. He knew that he couldn't avoid Ben forever, and the thought of facing him filled him with a mixture of anticipation and dread.

Finally, unable to bear the tension any longer, Christian approached Ben, his heart pounding in his chest. "Hey, Ben," he greeted, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Ben turned to face him, surprise flickering in his eyes. "Christian," he replied, his tone guarded. "I didn't expect to see you here."

Christian swallowed hard, his nerves getting the best of him. "I... I wanted to talk to you," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper.

But before he could say anything more, Wesley appeared at his side, his presence a palpable reminder of the complexities of their relationship. Christian felt a surge of frustration and resentment, knowing that Wesley's presence would only complicate an already difficult situation.

As tensions continued to mount, Christian knew that he would have to find a way to navigate the minefield of emotions that lay between him and Ben. He just hoped that they could find a way to heal the wounds of their past and forge a path forward, together.
Christian and Ben lounged on the patio, the soft glow of string lights casting a warm ambiance around them. Christian took a drag from his vape, blowing out a cloud of vapor as he glanced at Ben.

"Are you and Vanessa still together?" Christian asked, offering the vape pen to Ben.

Ben accepted it with a nod, taking a puff before passing it back. "No, we broke up a while back," he replied, his voice tinged with sadness.

Christian furrowed his brow, sensing Ben's somber mood. "I'm sorry to hear that, man," he said sympathetically. "If you need to talk about it..."

Ben shook his head, forcing a smile. "Thanks, Chris. But I'm okay. What about you? How's things with Wesley?"

Christian's expression darkened as he took another drag. "Not great, to be honest," he confessed, his voice heavy with emotion. "He's been... abusive."

Ben's eyes widened in shock and concern. "Abusive?" he echoed, his voice filled with disbelief. "In what way?"

Christian recounted the painful truth, describing the physical and emotional torment he endured at Wesley's hands. Ben listened in horror, his heart breaking for his friend.

"I had no idea, Chris," Ben said, his voice filled with empathy. "You shouldn't have to go through that alone."

Before Christian could respond, the sound of raised voices interrupted their conversation. They turned to see Wesley and Lucky locked in a heated argument, their voices escalating with each passing moment.

Christian's heart pounded with fear as Wesley grabbed him roughly, shoving him towards the car. "Get in the car, Christian!" Wesley barked, his eyes blazing with rage.

Lucky stormed forward, his face red with anger. "You stay away from my son, you hear me?" he shouted, his voice echoing in the night air.

But Wesley ignored him, his focus solely on Christian. With a sense of dread, Christian climbed into the car, knowing that their night was far from over.

As Wesley slammed the door shut and peeled out of the driveway, leaving Lucky behind in a cloud of dust, Christian felt a surge of despair wash over him. But in that moment, he also felt a glimmer of hope, knowing that Ben was there for him, ready to support him through whatever lay ahead.
The tension in the car was palpable as Wesley drove with reckless abandon, the silence heavy with unspoken anger and fear. Christian sat rigidly in his seat, his heart pounding with trepidation as they hurtled down the darkened road.

Suddenly, Wesley slammed on the brakes, bringing the car to a screeching halt in the middle of nowhere. Christian's breath caught in his throat as he glanced nervously at Wesley, his apprehension mounting with each passing second.

Without warning, Wesley's fist lashed out, striking Christian squarely in the face. Pain exploded behind Christian's eyes as he cried out, the force of the blow sending him reeling.

"It's your damn fault!" Wesley spat, his voice dripping with venom. "You should've never brought me to that party!"

Christian's head spun with confusion and pain as he struggled to make sense of Wesley's outburst. "It's not my fault!" he protested, his voice trembling with emotion. "You're the one who started the fight with my dad!"

Wesley's eyes blazed with rage as he leaned in close, his breath hot against Christian's face. "Your dad embarrassed me," he seethed, his voice barely above a whisper. "It's your fault for bringing me into that mess."

Christian's patience snapped, his anger boiling over as he met Wesley's gaze with defiance. "Fuck you, Wesley!" he shouted, his words a defiant declaration of his refusal to be blamed for Wesley's actions.

Enraged by Christian's defiance, Wesley's fists flew, raining down blow after blow on Christian's defenseless form. Pain seared through Christian's body as he fought to protect himself, his cries drowned out by the sounds of Wesley's fury.

Finally, Wesley relented, his rage spent as he dragged Christian out of the car and onto the desolate street. Christian lay battered and bruised on the pavement, his mind reeling with shock and pain as Wesley climbed back into the car and sped off into the night, leaving him stranded in the darkness.

Alone and trembling, Christian managed to pull out his phone and dial for an Uber, his hands shaking as he waited for help to arrive. As he huddled on the cold pavement, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief at having escaped Wesley's wrath, even as he braced himself for the long road ahead to healing and recovery.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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