Chapter 3: Execution

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Kela rushed into the Execution point. She runs as fast as she can, until she reaches the Gate.

As soon as she is inside, Yuuji's head is already placed in the Guillotin, consisting of a sharp blade in a tall frame, used in the past for killing criminals by cutting off their heads.

The blades drop at him, but Kela stops it with her water Ability by creating a Shield to block the blade at him.

"W-what?" Yuuji is so confused.

"I have a word!" Kela said.

She shouts to her people, including the King;
"Everyone, and your Highness, this man, is our last hope of this world. I know he's a foe, FOR YOUR OWN WORDS."

People chanting, chanting, and chanting.

The King finds it interesting.

"Oh Yeah? How do you prove that he's the last hope?" Said the man.

"I just found out that if he smells a strong scent in the Demon's blood, he'll turn into rampage mode. I'll make sure he does not like that."
Kela said.

The prince disagreed.
"No! He's a monster. He kills people, and people hate him!"

In her mind; "This useless Prince, again."

"Shush, Gailo." The king said.

"S-sorry, father." The prince replied.

"Plus, I spoke to the Higher ups, and we made a Deal." And then Kela explained what the deal is.

The king thinks.
Thinking, thinking, thinking, and... Boom!

"Guards, free the man." King said.

They released Yuuji.

"I-I don't know how to thank you, but why?" Yuuji said.

Kela is speechless and ignores Yuuji.

A loud bang occured from the Gate.

Another Demon has entered.
"Seriously? Another spies?" Kela said.

"Spies?" Yuuji said.

Kela rushed them and Attacked, but the Spies blocked them.


They smacked Kela and Throws her at the wall.

"H-hey! You okay?!" Yuuji said.

"Sir, I'll send reinforcements!"
Said the Soldiers.

"Wait, not yet." The king said.

"Let's see this kid how he fight these spies." King said.

"Tch, i guess I'm on my own."
Yuuji saws the Sword of Kela, and uses it while Kela in Unconscious.

"I'll borrow your weapon." Yuuji said.

"Moemhekenemenaka. Time for Meal!!!" The demon rushes into the People, but Yuuji stops it, by slashing the Demon into pieces.

"Are you okay?" Yuuji asked.

"Y-yeahh." A Civilian answered. "Thank you."

"H-hey, we can't trust him yet." Said the other civilian.

"Go somewhere safe, if you don't want to get involv-"

A Demon rushed into him, but thankfully, he noticed, and Slashed it.

"GO!" Said Yuuji. The civilians escaped.

Yuuji seems likely to helping other soldiers to get the civilians safe to going on exit.
They all left, but Yuuji, stays, and also noticed the General going to his Daughter.

Assault Craven: Web DarkeningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora