If he is happy then I'm happy. (1/2)

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[Note:] Short chapter :› do enjoy ❤️ •v•

Toto was hanging out at Ron's place again, though no new cases.

Toto sat cross-legged on 'the floor of indolence', playing with Ron's cat, while ron took a shower.

Once Ron was done showering, he got dressed and sat beside Toto.

Ron wanted to spend some time with Toto so he thought about what they could do together, then asked Toto.

"What should we do today, Toto?" Ron asked while consuming his black sugar syrup, just looking at Toto his grin widened.

"...Hmm, I don't know? Do you wanna go somewhere? anywhere is fine." Toto said, looking directly at Ron's ice-blue eyes whilst having a soft smile on his face.

"Hmm.." Ron pondered as he held his chin and kept thinking where they could go today.

Toto just kept petting the cat as he waited for Rons reply.


After a while, Ron had finally decided where they will go.

"I know..! The arcade!!" Ron said while smiling excitedly.

"And who'll pay?" Toto asked,
"Why it's obvious, it's you!" Ron said as he chuckled. "Of course it's me.." Toto sighed but still would be willing to pay for Ron and have fun with him.

Ain't that right?

-At the Arcade

Toto already paid for the tokens and Ron immediately took the tokens and went to find the first thing to play. Whack-A-Mole

Ron was already winning, and sometimes would randomly whack Toto's head because maybe Toto looked like a mole in Rons perspective. Toto didn't like it but still pretended to be a mole for Ron to have fun. And.. he couldn't stop him.
Eventually, Ron won the game +bonus Toto's head, Ron had a big smile on his face while he was taking his earned prize-tickets, welp, there goes Toto's wallet

Besides Ron is Ron.

-But, that doesn't stop here!-


Tho it is kinda short, but the day doesn't stop there, I'll make sure chapter 2 well part 2/2 of "If he is happy then I'm happy." be abit longer and more interesting, tho it might take a while because I still don't know what should happen next a.k.a writers block.And I hoped you; beloved readers enjoyed this chapter! See you to the next!❤️😄.

CoMaker: His_Ushanka

Words (count): 389 words

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