An announcement of sorts

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So... Hi, again. Sorry for the short update.

Yeah, I might not be able to update books for like until I finish college or on summer vacation if I have no failed subjects, which I do have one but I never knew of it. They said it was a branching subject since I was in Arts and Design in senior high but studying Computer Studies I college.

Yeah, maybe when I really have time and if I wasn't tired.

Now if you think I'm slacking... Yeah, that too if it weren't for college stressing me out and giving not enough time to rest. Like I have to go to school everyday except Sunday? Why!?

I failed one subject in prelim exam because erasures aren't allowed. I mean, pretty much most of the class failed in one or more subjects. Just hope my attendance, decorum and all that stuff can put me on the passing mark.

Yeah, sorry I'm ranting out like this. Even though we were given a week off, we were flooded with asynchronous assignments and stuff to do so. So yeah, I couldn't relax at all.

Anyway, sorry again. What I can leave is...a sketch or illustration of what's gonna happen next in this story.

a sketch or illustration of what's gonna happen next in this story

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F!Chrom: A-Are you okay? 💦
Adrielle: 💭 (Wait... Chrom's a gir- right, the system told me...)
F!Robin: Hands off Adrielle! 💢

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