Drunken nights

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Wednesday's POV

I miss him.
I miss Pugsley.
He was so young.
He didn't deserve that.
His birthday is coming up.
My family is gathering to celebrate it even though he isn't here anymore.
For the longest time, I couldn't accept it.
I kept expecting him to show up at my dorm and give me the biggest hug.
Normally, I wouldn't hug people, he was the only exception.
I miss his hugs.
I miss how he looked up to me.
I miss his curly hair.
I miss how I would have to save him from being shoved into a locker.
I miss him.
I keep drinking.
Drinking and smoking seem to be the only way to suppress this feeling and suppress my emotions.
Enid doesn't even know about this yet.
I lie and tell her I'm going to study with Eugene but end up in a bar instead.
Infact that's where I am right now.
I got a fake ID considering I'm still only 17.
I am currently blackout drunk.
How do I know that you ask?
I can't remember what I was just thinking about 1 minute ago.
It's okay I don't feel like remembering this tomorrow.
I keep drinking and smoking.
A combination of them both.
Drink in one hand cigarette in the other.
I love you by Billie Eilish can be heard on the radio.
The cig is making my vodka taste bad but I can barley notice it anymore.
I keep drinking and drinking.
The bartender comes over to me and sighs.
"Wednesday. This is the third night you spent here until we close."
I tilt my head at her.
"We close in 10 minutes and its almost 2 am. You need to go home. Let me call Enid."
She insisted.
This specific bartender goes to nevermore.
I don't know her well but she got the job because her dad owns the bar.
I think her name is Alice.
She knows Enid well enough to have her number.
They've known eachother since they were young I think.
She knows I'm under age but she doesn't care because so is she.
"Wednesday please leave. You know this isn't good for you."
I start thinking.
She said to go home.
The same empty home without my brother.
The same home with an empty room.
I need to forget it.
I'm not leaving.
"I'm not leaving until he leaves my mind."
I tell her.
"You mean Pugsley?"
I look up at her with a confused look.
How does she know.
"You talk to yourself a lot when your drunk."
She tells me, like she knew exactly what I was thinking.
I nodded.
"Listen Wednesday you need to go back to your dorm."
I shake my head and finish my drink.
"Fine. But I'm calling Enid."
I tried to stop her when I got up but failed when I fell to the ground.
From the ground I spit on her shoes.

Enids POV

I get woken up by my phone ringing.
I answer in my sleepy voice considering I just woke up.
It's almost 2 am.
Who could be calling at this time?
I pick up the phone.
"Hi Enid? Is that you?"
"Yes who is this?"
"It's Alice. Uh I'm working a shift at the bar and Wednesday is here."
She paused and I looked over to Wednesday's bed.
Surely enough she's not there.
"She won't leave. I've asked her and I need you to get her out of her please."
I signed before getting my shoes on and grabbing my coat still in my pj's.
Once I arrive at the bar I walk inside.
I look at Alice who's cleaning the counter and she points to her left.
What do you know.
Wednesday's sitting on the ground against the wall drinking and smoking.
It's past 2 am now.
I walk over to her.
I'm disappointed to be honest.
"Hey Wends what are you doing?"
I said softly.
"I need another drink."
Is what she replied.
"No Wednesday you don't."
I told her taking the cigarette out of her hand.
"Come on I need to take you back."
I took her hand and helped her stand up.
I bring her out and wave bye to Alice.
I help Wednesday in the car.
I hop in the driver's seat and start our 15 minute drive back to nevermore.
"So Alice tells me you've been doing this for the past 3 days now? What's up with that?"
I ask pretty concerned.
"I miss him Enid."
She looked at me and smiled.
She started laughing.
I looked at her extra concerned now.
Her laughing turned into crying.
I put my hand on her thigh.
"I don't wanna feel how I feel so I keep drinking. It's the only way to not to miss him."
"Oh Wednesday... You need to mourn him. You can't keep doing this. It will get better. I promise you. It's gonna get easier. Soon you will be able to talk about him without feeling sad. And... I'll be here for you the entire time."
When I looked over at her she had fallen asleep.

[ 4 day time skip]

Wednesday's POV

Enids worried I'm gonna start a bad drinking problem.
Which isn't true.
I know myself.
I'm not gonna develop an addiction.
Me and Enid are on our way to my house.
It's for Pugsley.
He would have turned 14 today.
He would have been all grown up.
Enid insisted on coming even though my family scares her.
She wants to be there for me.
Once we get there lots of people are mingling, eating, crying.
It's alot.
The first thing I looked for was alcohol.
I found a table with TONS.
Lots of people are gonna need it today.
After about 10 minutes my mom gave a speech.
"Hello everyone. I just wanted to say a few words about my boy.
I know it's been hard for us all. But Pugsley would be happy we're all here together. Pugsley was a bright kid. Always happy, always in a good mood. He always saw the positive in every situation. We all loved him. When he used to get nightmares he would always ask to sleep in our bed. No matter how old he was, he never was embarrassed of us. He truly loved us with all his heart. He looked up to us all the time. Wanted to be like me and Gomez. He had a big heart. Nobody could love like he did. The person he loves most was his big sister. Wednesday was Pugsleys role model. He was so attached to her. He was always concerned for her and always asked how she was when she went to nevermore. It was adorable. He never admitted it, but Wednesday was no doubt his best friend.
To Pugsley!"
I started crying.
My mom was crying
My dad had tears in his eyes.
After a couple hours it was getting late.
"Let's head back Wednesday."
Enid demanded.
I Shook my head.
"Your drunk. Please, let's go back."
She grabbed onto my arm.
"I'm sober."
I said pulling her hand off my arm.
"Wednesday. Your drunk."
"Enid. I'm sober."
"Please let's just go back."
Enid insisted.
I asked laughing.
"What do you mean why, your literally drunk?"
"Sober, and why do you care anyhow. I never asked you to come."
I asked her.
"You didn't have too. I'm your girlfriend. I promised to be there for you."
I almost fell over before Enid catching me.
"Your very difficult when drunk. You know that?"
She chuckled.
"Not drunk."
"Yes drunk."
"Here watch to prove it to you I'm gonna say something and your gonna forget it tomorrow."
I nodded accepting the challenge.
"Thing spilled Orange juice on your bed."
She smiled before saying bye to my parents and bringing me back to our dorm.
The next morning I was woken up by Enid talking in my ear.
"Wednesday why are you in my bed?"
"Thing spilled Orange juice in my bed remember?"
I smiled at her.
"Dang it."
She smiled and kissed me.

I'm batman🦇

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