Freaky Friday

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Enid's POV

It's been about a month now since that whole incident.
We're all sorta over it.
I think about what happened from time to time, I will admit.
It's not easy to forget something traumatic like that.
School hasn't been super stressful lately.
So, I'm gonna take everyone to a new secret spot for a picnic.
I wanted to do something nice.
Tomorrow is Friday, and it's a PD day.
There's no better time.
I'm inviting wends, obviously, Yoko, Eugene, and Alyssa.
Alyssa is really becoming close to us.
Like at first, I thought she was working for Tyler, and I wouldn't like her.
But she's saved us so many times.
We wouldn't be here without Alyssa.
I want her to understand that.
No, I need her to understand that.
I'm pulled out of my thoughts by the bell ringing.
It was lunch now.
We all sat together and I explained to them my picnic idea.
They are all in.

Wednesday's POV

Everyone is making their way to enids "new secret spot."
I'm helping her move some stuff over.
We got there earlier than everyone else so we can set up.
I didn't really wanna come, but if it makes Enid happy, then I'm happy.
We set up the red and white blanket and set up the food in what Enid would say, an "aesthetic way."
The spot is right by a lake.
Kinda like that one date we went on.
I smiled, picking her up.
"Wednesday Addams put me down."
She uttered.
"Whatever you say, princess."
I replied, tossing her into the lake.
She popped her head out of the water, completely soaked.
"That was so unfair."
Enid told me laughing.
I smiled before shrugging.
"Fine, at least help me out."
She said, reaching her arm for me to grab.
I grabbed it, but instead of me pulling her out of the water, she pulled me in.
"Now we're even."
Enid laughed, splashing me.
I splashed her back.
"You're so cute."
I told her while colliding my lips with hers.
She cupped my soaked cheeks and whispered in my ear.
"You're even cuter."
I blushed.
She kissed me again before backing away.
"Okay, we need to get out and dry off before people get here."
She said, climbing out of the water.
I followed not far behind.
"Baby look."
I pointed to the water.
I was all sparky and colorful.
"Wow. It's beautiful."
She said, putting her arm around me.

[Time skip]

We had a blast at the picnic.
We ate food, talked, laughed, and we had a good time.
Now I'm about ready to sleep.

I woke up with a major headache.
I made my way to the bathroom.
Squinting my eyes while they adjust to the light.
I was washing my hands when I looked in the mirror.
I'm not one to scream, but when I tell you, I screamed my ass off.

Enids POV

I woke up to Wednesday screaming.
I rushed into the bathroom.
"Wednesday! Are you okay!?"
I screamed when I saw her.
I looked in the mirror and screamed more.
I was her.
And she was me.
I looked like her.
And she looked like me.
I was in her body.
And she was in mine.
I screamed.
Wednesday grabbed my shoulders.
"Enid relax. We will get to the bottom of this."
I walked out to the balcony.
I needed air.
She followed me out.
"We're having a freaky Friday situation."
I told her, not meeting her eyes.
"A what?"
She asked.
"You know, the movie."
She just looked at me confused.
"Oh my God, have you never seen it? With Lindsey Lohan? Really?"
She shook her head.
"Okay, we need to watch that together."
"Get to the point, Enid."
"Right, in the movie, this girl Anna switches bodies with her mother.
And see, they don't know how to change back, so they masquerade as each other until they figure it out."
I explained to Wednesday.
"Well, how do we change back?"
I blanked.
I didn't know.
"I'm not sure."
We stood in silence for a while.
"We have fucking school, soon Enid. What are we gonna do?"
I turned to look at her.
It so weird to look at her seeing my body.
"We go to school."
I said firmly.
"Are you crazy? No way! Let's just blow off school."
"Wednesday are you out of your mind? We have our exam today."
"Shit, you're right."
She groaned and walked back inside.
She sat on her bed.
I sat beside her and put my hand on her thighs.
"Listen, we just have to get through one day. The second school's over, and we finish our exam, we will figure out how to fix this, okay?"
She nodded.

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