"Did you just come here to ask me to go out with you and the boys tonight?" I knew he probably didn't need the strokes record or the poetry book so his visit was rather confusing.

"Would that be a bad thing?" I saw his eyebrows furrow under the silver of the aviators. I shook my head trying to smile less.

"I suppose not," I leaned on the desk too.

"I've got to go now," He finally said after a moment of silence. "See you later, love," I bit my lip.

"See you later, Alex," He smiled at me one last time before grabbing his bag and walking out, leaving me feeling fluttery and giddy in my place of work.


The rest of my day went well, I made some good sales even though it was a very slow day and I finished my project while I was at work. I locked up at seven and got a text from Matt saying there'd be a cab at my flat at nine. I was starving by the time I got home, though, so I ate the salad I picked up at the same time as I got ready for the club. To be honest, I didnt exactly have anything very clubbing appropriate, atleast I thought that until I found a tiny black form fitting dress in the back of my closet. I remember buying it when I was sixteen and only wearing it a few times. I ended up throwing that on with my knee high boots, pearls around my neck and on my ears, a headband and my black leather jacket. I've been getting a lot more use out of my leather jacket with this rock band. I did a full face of makeup, something I rarely did cause frankly I was too lazy and I finished just in time to arrive downstairs and a cab pull up. She knew exactly where I was going and we were there in a few minutes. As we approached the building I saw the boys all standing around outside and it made me smile. I got out and Matt saw me, quickly leaning down to pay the lady in the cab.

"Hello, boys!" I said, excitedly making them all turn around to me.

"Charlotte!" Jamie pulled me into a side hug first and I laughed a bit and Nick pulled me in second. I looked up to Alex who was just staring at me. Fuck he looked good, he didn't look much different than usual but he was wearing a button up underneath with the top three buttons undone and a gold chain peaked through. Fuck he looked so good. He smirked at me somewhat discreetly and I smirked back the same way.

"I see you've gone for a cross between Grandpa and Rockstar, this evening," Nick joked making me laugh because it was truly what I thought when I looked in the mirror before leaving.

"Thank you for noticing, O'Malley."

"Alright, is everyone ready?" Matt lead the way into the club. The music from inside immediately blasted in my ears and I regretted coming for a minute. Matt put his arm around my back and pointed to a round table in the distance.

"Eh, I bet I can get a bird's number before you can!" I heard Nick yell over to Jamie over the music.

"Ya think?! Bet! 5 pounds, Yellamo! You're on!" We stayed close but Nick went over to the bar and the rest of us made our way over to the tall standing table Matt had spotted. I sat between Matt and Alex, Jamie on the other side of Matt and I struggled to get on the tall chairs. Nick came back with a few beer bottles and a martini with a lemon peel for me once I'd settled in my seat. The music was so loud I could barely hear Alex pointing out a girl to Nick for the bet.

"Right well I got me bird, where's yours, Cookie?!" Nick said loudly before slapping his shoulder and walking off. I choked on the sip of martini I took laughing hysterically.

"Cook, you aren't fucking losing!" Matt banged the table and started scanning the crowd. "Look, she's alone and pretty," Jamie nodded and set off as I managed to regain my composure.

Piledriver Waltz ☆ Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now