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10th, Thursday, November

Ethan's face fell red with...whatever the word is for 'I am a racist pri**k and just got humbled in front of my entire class in fancy words'.

The class fell silent as his lips was pressed in a manner that emphasised he wanted to scream and cry to his daddy about how cocky black people have suddenly become.

I made a mental apology to God saying 'I am sorry for replying back but he deserved'. Simultaneously, I created a reminder for myself to make sure to make a note of that in my journal.

Ethan was another white boy who loved to do anything to downplay the work of the only black girl in the class, me. Ironically, I was the most intelligent in the class and always made sure to benefit every one of my peers with diverse and well thought out contributions toward the class.

Not to be arrogant but it was blatant.

I knew it and so did they and my beloved professor who claimed she 'treats everyone equal' didn't care to hide her favouritism for me.

Maybe favouritism wasn't the word but definitely didn't pass on the opportunity to praise me which I appreciated.

Maybe I just wasn't loved as a child, maybe I have a praise kink?

Maybe both.

White boy Ethan hated it. You could see his eyes literally twitch everytime I won an award or was chosen to speak during an assembly or just simply heard a 'I like that answer Maayla'.

As petty as it sounded I liked to taunt him.

"Well there's two very...- there's a visible contrast in the two arguments which you guys can continue in your own time since i'm about to dismiss you guys like right now." My black professor, Mrs. Davis, struggled to put into words how to professionally shut down me and white boy Ethan's argument.

He had a nerve to always want to start some bull in a black professor's class with funny enough, the only black girl in the class. I didn't necessarily mind it though, I loved being a staple to showing black excellence in this completely un-diverse classroom.

There would always be a Chad or a Emily in this university, ready to see someone like me as inferior bur i've been prepared for this my whole life. Who was I to back down?

"Maayla, stay please." Mrs. Davis's stern, clear voice interrupted the train of thoughts that ran through my head. I look up to her with a smile before throwing my heavy ass backpack across my back and walking towards her desk.


"You need to stop paying Ethan attention, wasting your breath on him and that brain. He will never learn or see us any different then what's installed in his head, regardless of what you say." She eyed me, blocking me our every time I opened my mouth to speak.

I knew she was right, she's probably been in this industry far too long to understand exactly how I felt and most definitely experienced situations like this herself.

"Yes ma'am." I half-lied. I was hearing but I would try and listen. Entitled, white boys like Ethan really made your skin boil though. You could invent a spaceship but if the creator was black, it was a stolen idea or mediocre.

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