"Well thanks, you're looking a little chubby yourself." She retorts as she walks to where he's standing. "No, that's not, I didn't..." She laughed at him, "Relax. It was a joke." He cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck, his cheeks turning a deep crimson. She bit her cheek to stop the smile, trying to ignore how adorable he really looked.

"What are we watching?" She quickly asked, turning away from him. "Oh, why do you ask when you know the answer?" He walks over to the projector and turns it on. The menu for The Breakfast Club immediately showed on the screen and Beca rolls her eyes. "Of course. You're so obsessed."

"This is our movie." He said as he pressed play and walked over to her. "You didn't think this date was for nothing did you? "

"No I knew there was something behind it but there's no fighting Chloe." She flopped down in the seat and Jesse sat next to her. "Well-" she quickly stopped him, "Shhh, its starting."

"You actually wanna watch a movie?" He asked with a smile as he watched her start to eat the m&ms. "No I just want you to shut up."

"Hey, I-" he was cut off again when a handful of m&ms found their way into his mouth. He smiled at her before turning toward the screen.

Halfway through the movie, Beca, wearing a tank top, started to shiver. Jesse, who hasn't taken his eyes of the girl for a second, takes action. He pulls the half eaten huge bag of m&ms away from her and grabs the blanket he brought. He wrapped it around her shoulders and she smiled slightly. He continued to watch her. Seeing she's still shivering, he scooted closer and wrapped the blanker around them both. His arm hesitantly wrapped around her and grabbed the blanket, keeping it in place.

"Better?" He asked. "Yeah." She answered quietly. And it was, too, for more reasons than one. His body heat radiated onto her and stayed trapped under the blanket, quickly warming her. And she could smell his cologne and it brought her back to better times. Like the time she had kissed him. It was an amazing kiss and he's an amazing guy and she could remember herself wanting him and only him.

How stupid was I? Good thing nothing happened.

She convinced herself it was nothing. That it meant nothing. That she felt nothing. That he meant nothing.

But boy does she know how untrue that is.

By the end of the movie they were both drunk and Jesse gave Beca a goofy smile. Beca smiles a little as she feels butterflies in her stomach. Did she have feelings for him even after what he did? Or was it just because she was drunk? She knew that she really still had feelings for him but she decided to just blame the fact that she was drunk.

"I'm going to kiss you now." Jesse slurs as he leans closer.

Beca doesn't stop him and let's him kiss her. His lips moved in perfect sync with her as he kissed her softly. The kiss got more passionate and Jesse wrapped his arms around Beca, pulling her closer. She blamed the alcohol when she slipped her tongue past his lips, wanting more. He smirked a little and laid her back slowly.

Beca woke up the next morning in Jesse's dorm. Her head was pounding and she couldn't remember what happened last night. She looked over at Jesse and noticed all of his clothes were in a pile of clothes on the floor with hers. She grabs a small notepad and a pen and writes him a quick note before getting dressed and leaving.

When she got back all of the Bellas were waiting for her. Stacie smirked as she looked at Beca. Chloe gave her a questioning look and Amy smiled a little.

"You have some explaining to do." Chloe says as she walks over to Beca.

"I don't have to explain anything. You're not my mother. Where's the ibuprofen? I have a headache." Beca replies, searching for the medication.

"You got drunk and had sex with him. I can tell. You have the sex glow." Stacie said.

"It's none of your damn business what I did!" Beca yells, obviously annoyed by them. She grabs the medication and runs up to her room, locking the door behind her so she can be alone.

"I knew it." Stacie says to herself.


A/N Hey weirdos! Thank you for 1.73k reads! I'm in shock right now. I can't believe so many people actually like this story!

So sorry I haven't updated in forever. I have been really busy again and I've had terrible readers block. Thanks to amazinglittleweirdo I finally finished this chapter. Thank you so much Lexi you are the best. :)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Comment what you thought. And please vote! I love you awesome nerds!

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