Angel Flesh Headcanons‼️

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hey yalls ‼️‼️some cutie patootie headcanons with mich and the rest of HoO because I said so

• michelle has made like a gazillion mixtapes for leo it's just so 😖😖 like they're mainly the smiths and cheesy love songs and omg i can't
• piper and michelle are so gay for each other like if michleo wasn't a thing and it was valgrace instead it would so be pipechelle like they're so cute???
• like michelle and piper are best friends and they have matching hello-kitty shirts their so cute
• michelle has the most new-yorker accent ever and like she and percy bond over the new yorkness and ahahbsjsndnjsj
• she's literally the youngest in tlh meaning that piper and jason are like her annoying yet endearing older siblings (she's a very end of december bby)
• don't ask me why, but she drowns all her food in hot sauce. like she's freaked out half the argo II crew by just drowning her food in hot sauce and acting like nothing happened because of her spice tolerance
• originally, she despised percy just because of what happened to eve (#justiceforeve #stopemmyfrommakingdeadsisters ) and stuff, so while piper thinks hes eh michelle is literally so done with him it's hilarious
• her ten favourite songs ranked (let pretend folklore and mitski and more existed in 2011, alright?)
• death of a bachelor, NUMBER ONE ‼️‼️
• goodbye, my danish sweetheart, literally this is her song
• ballad of a homeschool girl, belts this out constantly it's bad
• from the start, she would so be singing this in the thanatos cabin after the failed kiss while josiah's so concerned omg
• dear arkansas daughter, this is also her anthem‼️
• invisible string, she so sings this at the top of her lungs
• illict affairs, this is literally the books subtitle but she transitions from normal illict affairs to the angry version because the angry version is life🤭
• michelle by sir chloe, literally just for funzies because of her name ahaha
• she looks almost exactly like eve so she was giving percy major major major MAJOR ptsd when they send the scroll to cj
• michleo is so cutie patootie and like since both of them are sent to calypsos island they both make that oath, and meanwhile both of them are planning to die just for the sake of the world so leo kinda dies for her it's so bittersweet 😭 thankfully bro comes back but still
• leo and mich share clothes because they're basically the same size so it's barely romantic and if anything Michelle's stuff is bigger because i said so
• michelle has her precious hellhound diablo, and we will be seeing him having fun with ms. oleary
• she still has leo's disposable camera from the wilderness school and the two still use it 😭
• since leo catches on fire a lot, the whole tlh crew has a bucket of water ready constantly and michelle constantly has little burns on her hands, yet insists that they're cute just to make him feel better 💔i love them sm your honor I am sick
• michelle's relationship with hazel is so weird because she definitely saw eve in the underworld and had a crush on eve so she has a crush on michelle and ugh i love them
• also michelle and all the pluto/hades kids are so cutie like she sees nico a lot in her dreams and they're such a dynamic duo so when everyone's debating over saving him things are gonna get heated 😨
• michelle and eury (my boo risaspring 's oc) are literally sisters like they were basically sisters before and then being reunited brings me happiness <\3
• piper and michelle regularly perform say no to this in the aphrodite cabin and traumatize the younger campers it's so silly 😝
• also michelle and piper were roommates at the wilderness school so they also share clothes normally
• jason and michelle are so sibling coded like while leo and piper are so sibling coded jason and mich are so sweet to each other, yet constantly bicker over the stupidest stuff ever 😨 it's whatever tho
• for toa michelle she's technically adopted by the ramirez's and stuff but alison let her live w/ leo most of the time at the way station <\3 jo and emmie you will always be famous 🫶
• also toa michelle is so sappy and like depressed because leos like dead and shit but then not?? also this scene with lester and michelle is so silly because they fought together in the giant war and UGH
• she still has her celestial bronze stilettos and will wear them on a normal day, freaking all the romans + percy and annabeth and eury out
• if you can't tell, michelle does the weirdest shit ever but i love her <3
• she sees nemesis as a combination of that one paramedic and her mom and then both her and hazel bond over abusive dead moms ‼️
• also jealous leo>>> he's so silly
• when the two are boomed to calypsos island, michelle somehow pulls calypso and that's how they get off the island ahaha
• also michelle can pull helloo??? i mean leo, technically piper for a little bit, hazel, domenico, that freddy guy and sherman yang?? i needa up my game 😨
• she regularly pulls an all-nighter because of her prophecy so her and leo are so cute while he's working and she's stressing <\3 they're my children
• michelle randomly start's spiting facts about medieval times it's so demigodcore
• also her and frank are hilarious like they're constantly making fun of leo, yet still at each other's throats like poor frank 😨
• her favourite food is the ramirez's cookies and favourite drink, fanta but specifically purple because anything that's purple makes it better
• her favourite colour is purple (obviously ‼️)
• she and jason have little matching earrings back when michelle pierced both of their ears with a needle when she snuck into cabin one w/ leo and piper
• jasons death is gonna kill me sm especially when she finds out AAAA😭
• michelle and domenico are so awkward while domenico fails at flirting and michelle is obviously confused ( she's slow when it comes to love, it literally took her like almost a whole year to admit it ) it's so funny and shit
• also tell me why michelle is so good kid coded
• dark!michelle comes out a lot when she's like battling someone right right right?? she's genuinely terrifying like josiah literally just has no fear because she's scary when she's dark mich like she can literally make you be in so much pain you feel like your dying and take your freaking life force??? terrifying
• michelle has beef with hades because of that one dream, so whenever she meets nico in her dreams he's always there and coming at michelle in the weirdest ways
• so yknow how leo looks like sammy?? michelle looks exactly like eve so she, percy, and hazel have this weird conversation on the fact that she's not supposed to be dead and is another person

i hyper-fixated sm help😨😨drafts reveal coming after this fr

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