Scene 11 - Don't Worry A-snout It

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General Theme:

Walking Is Just Like Swimming

(Instead of being in the sea, the scene has now cut to a new place—Mrs. Marcovaldo's studio apartment. She's sitting on a stool in front of an easel and painting a bright red conch shell that's sitting on a small table in front of the easel.)

(Suddenly, starting from the interiors of the shell, a light blue color starts to creep in and cover the whole shell.)

Mrs. Marcovaldo: (Blinking a few times, only to see when she clears her vision that the shell is back to its normal color)

(A beat passes as she sits back on her stool for a moment, breathless.)

Mrs. Marcovaldo: It can't be... Oh, mia figlia, that can't be true...

(Before we cut back to the kids, still underwater and picking up right from where we left off.)

Giulia: (Right after face-palming, rubbing the bottom half of her face) Why's it... feel funny...?

Alberto: It's y-

Luca: (Elbowing him) Don't worry a-snout it-!

Alberto: (Rubbing his stomach, whisper) You guys have got to stop doing that...

Giulia: You mean... about it, right?

Luca: (Clapping his hands over his mouth) Mhm!

Alberto: (Giving him the stare of politely, you're an idiot)

Giulia: I thought for a second you said a-snou... (Eyes widening, rubbing that part of her face again) I DON'T HAVE A NOSE-?? I have a- a- (Hyperventilating again)

Luca: D-... do you think all humans are that protective of their noses...?

Alberto: (Grabbing her arm and pulling her with as he and Luca swim a short ways to another part) Look, we don't have all day for you to be a clumsy-tail. It's time for you to learn actual sea monster stuff.

Giulia: Like what? Going back to the surface? Because that would be great-

Luca: Like swimming!

Giulia: Wh- I can swim. I'm not pathetic.

Alberto: (Mumbling) As a human, no...

Luca: N-no... not human swimming... sea monster swimming!

Giulia: I can't swim like a fish. I deliver fish, I don't... be one!

Alberto: (Exasperated) Giulia, you're not a fish. You're a sea monster.

Giulia: It's not that big of a difference! (Starting to list off on her fingers and skipping her thumb) They both have scales, they both can breathe underwater, they both have tails, they both- have-... (Looking at her hand when she realizes she doesn't have another finger to list off of)

Luca: They both have...?

Giulia: That's my dominant hand— (Looking at her other hand) BOTH of them only have four-

Alberto: (Stopping swimming and shoving her down horizontally into a swimming position) OKAY, before you freak out about having "fish" hands, you're going to swim. (Brushing his hands off and floating backwards from her) So, swimming is just like walking, except with fins, and a tail, and also there's water, but other than that it's like the exact same thing!

(As he's been talking, Luca has been mouthing his words in slight confusion, recognizing them from when he learned how to walk.)

Alberto: And you're gonna give it a try! (Kicking her to get her going)

(The kick just winds up sending her shooting through the water and colliding with a rock, only to slide down it and come to a stop on the seabed with her legs and tail propped up against the rock.)

Alberto: ...That's not how you get your sea legs.

Luca: Was I... like that when taught me how to walk?

Alberto: Somehow... no.

Luca: (Calling down to her) Are you still alive?

(All he gets in response is a very frustrated groan that the camera doesn't show.)

Alberto: (Also calling down) You do realize that having scales wasn't gonna make that hurt less, right?

(The camera also doesn't move to show the next line.)

Giulia: Then why do I even have- (A more annoyed groan)

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