"Loonatics On Ice"

48 2 17

This chapter was requested by: MaryPickard7
It was a clam day at HQ:
Lexi was listening to music while cleaning her room

Rev was blah,blah to Tech how he got the pizza and telling him about getting a another one but Tech showed a slice a pizza into his mouth to make him shut up.

Ace was melting with his soward  with Luckily on his lap napping and Duck was just being duck of course.

Tech look over over to Ace but he couldn't focus all sudden Duck snap him back to reply
"Tech"! "What huh"? "Oh sorry" "I was just".......

Then Ace got up and Luckily jumped off his lap. ask Tech if he's ok but Tech started blushing. "Oh sorry I was just" all a sudden Slam and Lexi ran in. The whole team was surprised to see them like that.

Zadavia's Ace mom:
"Loonatics we have a problem"
Ace: "mo- I mean your right"
Ace: "we have a big problem"
Ace: "we're on it"
Zadavia: "Ace please be careful"
Ace: "mmm"
Zadavia:"Zadavia out"

Lexi: "they are going to found out that u are the Prince of Freleng"
Ace: "no they won't"
Lexi: "oh really, u don't think so"
Ace: "they won't found out if u don't say anything about it"

Lexi just rolled her eyes at her little brother well he's her stepbrother, her mother & father got a divorce when she was 8 because she came transgender out to her parents, her father supported her but her mother didn't, that night her mother left they them and the next day divorce papers. Lexi father couldn't believe his own wife would do this to them, after

Ace: "let's jet"
During the mission:
Ace: "it's freezes"
Lexi: "I know"
Tech & Rev we're talking until Tech saw Ace coughing, Tech a got worry and walked over to Ace to see if he's ok.

Tech: "Ace are u ok"? Tech ask Ace if he ok.

Ace: "yeah"
Ace: "I'm f-f-fine"

All sudden Rev came running while yelling at them to watch out!!!


Tech: "huh"? Tech turned around and saw a big ice ball coming towards them, but they couldn't get an away this time and the big ice ball fell on top of them.

Duck: "I forgot the last part, what's the big problem"

Ace try to use his power but he couldn't do so because he was weak, Freleng's can't stand the cold weather. Ace collapsed on Tech, he got more worry about him.
Ace: *coughing* "now you see them, now u don't"
Ace: *still coughing * " this g-g-game of battle ship was all a distraction"

Lexi: "Alex"
Ace: *still coughing* " what"?
Lexi: " come we're going home"
Ace: * coughing nonstop *
Lexi: "Please"
Ace was coughing while Tech just turned to Rev and he could see there a worry expression on his face.

Tech: "Ace we got this"

Lexi grabbed her little brother hand and grabbed the jet pack and few off to see mother.

Tech just watched as they few off he hoping that Ace will be ok, and Lex.

Tech: "ok guys I'm in charge"
Tech: "let's go"

The rest of the team found the robot and was busy fighting them.

Lexi: "mom"?
Zadavia turned around and saw them coming towards them

Alex walked up to her and just collapsed on her, Zadavia picked him up and took him to bed.

Zadavia: "he'll be fine"
Zadavia said this while pulling the blanket on her baby, she sign and kissed him on his forehead.

Lexi: "mom are u ok"
Zadavia: "what happened"
Lexi: *she took off her necklace which give her super suit* "well on the mission he started coughing and collapsed on Tech's chest"

Zadavia just sign, and took her necklace and put it on table along with her son's.

Zadavia: "I miss him sweet"
Lexi: "who"? She ask her stepmother
Zadavia: " m-my first husband"
Zadavia: "Alex's father, Belle"

Zadavia walked up to her chair and sat down and put her head on her hand

Zadavia: " Frelengs can't stand the cold weather, if they stand out there to long......."
Lexi: "they"
Zadavia mobbed her head

After the massion
Tech: " come on"
Tech: "let's on and check on them"
Rev: "Jason we don't where they are come on let go home and call them, they're pick on the phone.

Daniel: "hey do u like Alex more than a friend~"?

After Daniel said that everyone look at Jason started blushing while styling and trying to found the words to say to them.

When they got home
Jason: "was on the phone with Belle"

They're phone call

Jason: "hey Belle how Alex"?
Belle: "he's ok"
Belle: " he resting"
Jason could hear Alex moraning

Belle: "we'll be home in a couple of days don't worry"
Jason: "ok call me if u need me please"
Belle: " I will don't worry"

Phone call ended
Later that night
Jason couldn't sleep because he was worry about Alex, what if something happens to him.

Jason thoughts:
"What if no; no no I can't have a crush on him he just a friend or maybe

Luckily jump on his lap and lick him while "meow" "meow"

After a little while he feel asleep with Luckily on his side.
Hola Todos! Como estas! 😝✨🐬

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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