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Lanea carefully walks in bring a stool with her or sit infront of the tub.

"Long night." She says trying to free the air.

"You have no idea." Imani says with a small smile.

"Actually I might. What happened?" Lanea inquires.

"I was at Ulta buying some perfume and getting face masks then I just felt uneasy so I paid for my stuff and started walking ti the car and I felt the need to duck and I did and a bullet flew past me."

"I hid in my car and then it was ripped open and I was pulled out. I ended up throwing this guy over me after struggling and ran into the trees. But like for a long time and then he hit me with his motorcycle. I hit my back on a tree then he tried tying me and he hit my back against the tree then.

"You blacked out and woke up walking." Lanea interjected.

"Yes I- how'd you know that." Imani says confused.

"A long time ago something traumatic happened to me and I blacked out. When I woke up it wasn't a pretty sight let's just say. Get dressed. I have some clothes for you on the bed." Lanea finishes and walks out.

Shortly after Imani gets out of the tub and does the rest of her routine before changing into a hoodie and pair of joggers.

Andrew comes back in seeing her sprawled on the bed.

"Are you good baby." He asks walking up to her.

"Mhm" she responds with a thumbs up.

Silently he creeps behind her and throws her over his shoulder.

"It's time to eat let's go."

"I can walk." Imani says.

It falls on deaf ears. Even though Andrew was smiling with her he was extremely cautious. He already increased security and moved her thinks to his room.

They walk into the living room joining in with the other people in the house to eat. Lanea gets up to the kitchen to refill her cup and Imani shortly follows after.

"Thank you for helping me and taking care of me while the whole attack happened." Imani starts. She was hoping to make a new friend since the last one failed.

"It's not problem."

"Can I ask you question? There was one night some weeks ago when I went to the club and somebody drugged me. And even though I was a bit hazy I remember them trying to lead me to a black van and next thing I know she was on the floor dead and someone remember how."

Lanea stops what she was doing and looks up at her.

"Let's go outside." 

Imani follows after her and Andrew and Giovanni watch their women walk away.

"They walk the same aswell." Andrew thinks out loud.

"The mannerism are similar it's strange." Giovanni adds on and they continue to talk about business.

"Imani what am I'm gunna say is not gunna be believable but you're going to have to believe me I fear.

Imani nods her head as she sips on her water.

"Ou- my parents were assassins. They had me and raised me to be like them but I was worse. And they liked that. When I first started training they put a chip in my neck." Lanea pulls the neck if her shirt to the side showing a stitch scar.

"And it controlled my thoughts, memories and actions. The details till that don't matter but I think there's a chip inside you aswell."

Imani stare sir into space thinking of what she said and what to do.

"It's a lot to take i-"

"I think you have the wrong girl there's no chip inside my neck."

Lanea gives her a sad smile.

"It's in your back. When those people tried to kidnap you do you member the last thing you felt before walking on to the park."

"Well he tried tying me up and I was moving around so he pushed my back grab my into the tree and I felt a lot of pain in my back and that's all."

"Ok I'm gunna show you something."

Lanea gets her iPad and shows some camera footage of the night before. After the man tried to tie her up and hit her back on the wall she stood up and attacked him. Somehow getting the motorcycle and throwing it at him then she walked off.

"That's me?? But how I don't. What."

"When you were a kid you were smart. But not just 4.0 gpa smart but you felt you were thinking at a different level than others. You graduated school early didn't you."

Imani's nods her head

"Summa cum laude."

Imani nods her head again.

"Computer science minor." She adds and Imani smiles again with a nod.

"Cause majoring in it was too boring." They say at the same time and laugh.

"We're so alike it's crazy." Imani's says and Lanea  smile reduces a bit but she nods her head

"We need to get that chip out of you as soon as possible before they start tweaking your memories. There's a chance the company didn't know where you art but now that their men are dead they'll be trying to pull some tricks."

"I know someone that can do it for you." Lanea says. "Where are they" Imani asks

"It's seems like tomorrow night she'll be at this strip club but we're gunna have to sneak in it's invite only.

"What kinda strip club has invites."

"The kind that has mafia leaders and power people in society."

Imani nods her head. "So how do we get in."

"Imani have you ever pole danced before." Lanea says with a mischievous smile on her face.


"No." Andrew responds as they drive back to their house.

"The fuck. What do you mean no?" Imani says.

"Imani I'm not letting you go to a strip club and be an actual stripper all in the became of looking for a surgeon. It's not safe and I can't have men looking at you that way."

"If Lanea thinks this is the person that has to do it then she must be right. I'm only letting you know, you're not my dad. I'll do it with or without your approval."

"What part of it's not safe don't you understand. We don't know who's gunna be there. Wtf kinda strip club is invite only who knows what's happening there they could be trafficking kids. Or doing some cult stuff."

"There's someone out there who can fix me. I'm not passing this opportunity by." Imani says

Andrew opens his mouth to say something but gets cut off

"Don't bother speaking cause I'm not speaking to you." She says and faces this window.

Andrew licks his lips and chuckles before turning back to the road.

Eventually they make it to the parking lot and Imani immediately steps out closing the door behind her.

Authors note

First couple argument😘 there only one way to solve it.🤷🏾‍♀️

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