"Well, maybe I was wrong." I sit next to her, our knees falling against each other. "Look, if this is about the money for school, I can give it to you." 

"No." She shakes her head wildly. "I need to do it myself. I'm not taking your money."

"Technically, it's our money." I remind her, taking her hand and holding her hand up. Instead of a ring, a tattoo stretches across the skin on her left hand. It's subtle, which is exactly how we want it. At least I thought I did. Tonight's proved that sentiment wrong, though. Now, I want everyone in the fucking world to know she's mine. 


"You can move behind the bar. More clothing, less scum bag contact."

"And not as much money..." She clicks her tongue. 

I'm not usually in the business of compromising and I've already backed off enough, so this is one she won't win. "It's the bar or nothing at all, Lizzie. That's final." 

She winces at that last sentence, defiance and resistance flaring in her eyes. 

"You know I could walk into any other club here and they'd put me front and center." 

"And you know, that I'd never let that happen, babe."

She doesn't like being told what to do, and after all she's been through, I don't blame her. It's taken a lot of work to prove to her I'm not like every other man she's known in her life, and I watch as she seems to remind herself of that. 

"Fine. But I want the good shift. Every night." She concedes. 

"The other girls aren't going to like that." I rub my jaw. Moving Lizzie behind the bar is going to draw a lot of criticism and I'm not sure we'll be able to keep our relationship quiet for much longer. 

"Well, you're not married to the other girls, Jackson." A cocky grin pulls at her lips as she swings a leg over me, fumbling with my belt buckle. "How about one more dance for my best customer?" 


When Andre calls, I'm knee deep in helping my mom move rose bushes from the side yard to the back. She's been unusually needy the last few weeks, and I can't help but notice that it coincides perfectly with when I told her I was talking to Lizzie again. 

"Bruno went by the bakery." 

"When?' I clench my jaw. 

"About an hour ago. Lizzie's at the hospital."

My heart drops. "What the fuck, Andre? You're supposed to be watching." 

"We're also supposed to be laying low and not interfering, Jax. She's okay, it's a flesh wound." 

Part of my wants to jump through the phone and wring his neck. But I also know Andre is right. If he's gone in guns blazing to protect her, the entire thing would have been blown. Still, the thought of Bruno laying his hands on her enrages me and I leave the garden.

"Jax? Sweetheart, is everything okay?" My mom asks, glancing up from the hole she's digging. 

"Something came up, Ma. I'll call you later." 

Why the fuck didn't Lizzie call me herself? Why am I hearing this secondhand? Wasn't I clear with her? Wasn't she smarter than that?

I'm to the hospital in mere minutes, and duck into the supply closet before heading into the ER. Having a few of the docs on my payroll comes in handy during times like this. Throwing on scrubs and a white coat, I get into character. 

The nursing station is across the hall and I recognize one of the girls. She'll know to be discreet, and let me do what I need to do. 

"Anyone seen Liz Mason yet?" I ask, flipping throw a clipboard of files on the counter. 

The nurse does a double take, but plays along as soon as she knows who I am. "Uh, no. Not yet." She gives me a tight smile, slipping me Lizzie's file. "She's going to need stitches. Waiting on someone from upstairs."

"No need, I'll take care of it. Get the equipment in there." 

She looks like she's about to tell me I can't, but I don't leave any room objection. 

"Any visitors?" 

"No," she shakes her head. "But there's two men out in the waiting room that came in about the time she did and they're keeping a close eye on things." 

"Great." I take the ice, turning toward Lizzie's room.

Sure enough, two of Bruno's men are in the waiting room, no doubt there to see if I come. I have to laugh at their naiveté, though. I'd never come through the waiting area. 

There is a curtain drawn in Lizzie's room, and I slide it open. "Knock, knock." 

When she sees me, her eyes widened, but I can't help but notice the relief in them. She's glad I'm here. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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