He's the reason it happened

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Callie was doing Rose's operation and she was 5 hours into the operation.

Ethan's parents had just arrived at the hospital.

mr and ms. Payne.. right this way - Izzie said

(Ethan's parents are Faith and Simon)

They both followed Izzie into the hall.

So you're son was in a car accident and dr. Burke is right now operating on him.. everything is going fine.. you can sit in the waiting area right this way - Izzie said

They followed Izzie into the waiting area.

Excuse me I have a question - Faith said

Yes Of course - Izzie said

How is it going with Rose.. she was also in the accident - Faith said

I'm not on that case but I'll find out.. I'll be back very soon - Izzie said with a smile

Thank you - Simon said

Izzie walked to the gallery in OR 3 where Callie was operating on Rose.

Izzie walked over to the talking thing.

Dr. Torres how's you're patient.. their family is asking - Izzie said

Derek and Addison look confused over at Izzie.

Dr. Stevens are you asking me that the family wants to know how she's doing - Callie said

Yes that's correct - Izzie said

Well it's a shame that her parents are sitting right there - Callie said while looking up at Izzie

Izzie looked over at Addison and Derek.

I'm so sorry.. the family to the boy was asking about her and I thought they were her family - Izzie said

It's okay - Addison said

I'm gonna go and talk to Ethan's parents.. you wanna come? - Addison asked Derek

I'm gonna stay - Derek said

Stevens you don't need to fill them in about her.. I'll tell them - Addison said while walking out the gallery

Izzie went back to the pit.

Addison walked down to the waiting area.

You must be Ethan's parents - Addison said

Yes.. is he okay? - Faith asked

He's still in surgery - Addison said while sitting down on a chair

I hear you wanna know how Rose is doing.. she's also in surgery but everything is going great - Addison said

I'm dr. Addison Shepherd - Addison said while shaking their hands

You're.. - Simon said

Rose's mom.. yeah - Addison said with a smile

They were going to the vet how can something so bad happen - Faith said

Derek was just sitting and watching the surgery.

Meredith saw Derek sitting alone so she went into the gallery and sat down next to him.

How's it going - Meredith asked

Callie is about to save her leg.. hopefully - Derek said

You should get something to eat - Meredith said

I'll be fine - Derek said

Are you okay? - Meredith asked

I'm okay - Derek said

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