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Jennie came to work the next day as usual. When she ordered lunch for delivery, she thought for a while and went over to Jiwon to gossip.

She probed: "Jiwon, who was that man yesterday? Very famous?"

Jiwon took a look at her and laughed: "Young lady, are you falling for him?"

Jennie stared at him, "Certainly not! I just felt that he has a very nice voice......that's all......yeah."

"Why is the cabbage so greasy today." Jiwon drank some water. "Hey hey, you are not the first one to fall for that guy's voice."

Jennie put down her chopsticks and spoke in a flirtatious manner, "Kang Jiwon......"

Jiwon shook his head, "Hey, now you act somewhat like a girl." Then he hurried to answer before Jennie exploded, "Kim Taehyung, have you heard the name before?"

Kim Taehyung? Jennie seriously thought about it for a while----it seemed familiar?

Jiwon grinned after he heard her murmur, "Familiar? I think you've read too many novels. The name you would possibly be familiar with should be---V."

Jennie choked instantly as she sipped her water. She coughed till her whole face was flushed red.

Jiwon giggled and patted her back, "Haha, you are not the first one."

Jennie stared at him mercilessly. Familiar? Far more than familiar! Who, in the world of internet voice overs, wouldn't know this name, the super famous V.

Six years ago, he came to fame in the internet voice over crowd with a classical style audio drama 'Mandate of Heaven'. But he had quietly stepped out and stopped producing any new works on the internet. He switched to commercial voice overs for large video games and their promotional videos and dubbing for many male actors in TV dramas......

He kept a low profile and made a clear distinction between the virtual and the real worlds; he even used his online name, V, for voice acting for TV dramas. But that still couldn't diminish the fervor of his hundreds of thousand fans on Weibo, there were always people leaving messages or confessions to him. Hey, Jennie was one of his little fans, too.

Jennie almost knocked her head against the desk--- ---She loved his voice so much. Why didn't she recognize the voice yesterday?!

Jiwon laughed with great pleasure watching Jennie wallow in regret so great that she almost wanted to kill herself for making such a grievous mistake. Finally, he found enough goodwill to comfort the young lady besides him who was full of regret and self-loathing. "It's normal that you did not recognize it. Every voice actor has a multitude of voices. Besides, most of his works are in a classical style. Of course his normal talking voice would be different....."

Jennie looked at him with a grudge.....

Jiwon watched those sorrowful eyes, laughed loudly ,and then turned around to pack and throw away the lunch boxes. He left Jennie there alone as she continued to scratch her hair with remorse.

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