5. Meeting Cole...

Start from the beginning


Minutes went by like hours. Tick tock, tick tock. Every time I looked at my phone, it felt like ten or twenty minutes had passed yet in reality it was two minutes. I pressed my fingers hard against my temples, but regretted it when a sharp pain went through my skull. It didn't look like a bus was planning on coming any time soon.

I leaned my head against the wall, sleepy. I dozed off and images of the guy from school flashed in my mind. Within minutes, I had started to fall into a deeper sleep... Exhausted from the long training with Coach Anderson and the whole Amanda Miller incident. I still couldn't believe it that the principal was Ethan's Mom and Amanda was his stepsister.

Soon enough, I had fully fallen asleep. I dreamt of being in a race, I was preparing myself at the starting line, jogging on the spot and doing a few push-ups. Then we were told to take our places. Anticipation was in the air. I was ready and when the whistle was blown, I put all my concentration on the finishing line. I sprinted as quickly as I could, focused on the end. I kept my arms at a ninety degree angle and lifted my knees high, plunging into the distance. Then I was metres away from the finishing line, almost crossing it... I could almost taste the victory...

My dream was interrupted suddenly by loud music coming from a car's speakers...

"Echo, echo

When you call my heart

When you call my love

When you call my youth

Echo, echo

When you call my heart

When you call my love

When you call my youth

Up in the mountain

Down in a plain

This such a game is burning in the flame

Up in the mountain

Down in a plain

This such a game is burning in the flame"

My eyes shot open when the music started blaring so loudly, I feared my eardrums might burst. What the...?

It took a minute for my bleary eyes to focus, but when they did I saw a familiar black mustang parked directly by the bus stop. It was that boy again... WHY?!?

I sat up and walked over to the car, keeping my fingers pressed I into my ears. The passenger seat window was open, so I leaned my arm in and twisted the knob to turn it down. He chuckled and watched me with a warm smile. "I couldn't resist." He said.

I rolled my eyes and dragged my feet back to the bench at the bus stop. "Hey, do you want a lift?" He called. "Doesn't look like a bus is coming any time soon..."

Yes, I would love a lift.

That's what I wanted to say, but I had a feeling that he had ulterior motives, like to drive me to a dump and leave me there or something.

"Well, do you?"

"Ah what the hell." I said and pulled open the door, slipping onto the black leather seat.

"You're in for the ride of your life, Bianca."

"Ugh." I said, regretting my decision as he merged onto the highway. "Wait a second... How do you know my name?" I frowned in thought and looked at him for a response.

A blush spread across his cheeks suddenly. I found myself giggling as he 'discreetly' turned the air conditioning on to cool down his face. "Er I don't know," he mumbled, pretending to be completely focused on the road.

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