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It took barely 5 minutes for her first opinion of him to be cemented, and the rest of the time she was required to spend with him seemed completely unnecessary. To be perfectly honest, it seemed completely impossible to her.

"Up," she snarls, bursting through the woven entrance she had patiently waited outside (albeit for less than 20 seconds). 

Predictably, the skxawng is still asleep, his massive, strange green-blue form flopped over the sleeping mat with his head covered by his dark curls. She has an itching desire to just drag him up by the vulnerable ear poking through his hair, but she takes satisfaction in deciding that it would be more worth it to take it out on him later, once he's woken up and can be some real fun.

"Up," she says again, prodding him with the point of her tail in the back.

He stirs somewhat, but not enough to satisfy her. Or at least, deter her from storming over to the bowl and dumping the remaining water on his emerging face.

The look of sheer shock and indignation is very gratifying, but she manages to hide her smirk in time as he pushes his now wet curls from his face to glare at her.

"What the fuck was that?"

"That was your warning," she says shortly, "before I got annoyed."

"Was that not you being pissy already?" he huffs, wiping himself with his forearm and blearily standing. "I was hoping you'd at least be a morning person, given that yesterday you were a total-"

"Fish face, I don't have time for your complaints," she rolls her eyes, "you can go to the tawtutes in the labs and take it up with RH or HR or whatever deals with that silly stuff. If you have a problem with my training style-"

"Go find Jake?"

"No, take your whinging and shove it right up your blowhole. Come on, we're training."

With only a little more complaining, Le'the manages to get him up and out of the village. She doesn't bother finding him any food, but she allows him to pick a knife and bring his spear, and the pair head off for the forest.

As it turns out, Aonung hadn't gotten any better at moving through the forest. In fact, he was 100% more hazardous than the baby na'vi clambering all through the canopy. It takes several nudges with her bow and quite a few barked commands to just keep him somewhat on track, not to mention how he nearly splatted on the floor below as they crossed the high branches of a tree.

"Uh," his voice cuts through the gentle forest peace she had been enjoying, "where are we going?"


He huffs, clearly unamused by her lack of response. He's paused himself in the centre of another branch, solid and unmoving so she couldn't get past without knocking him off - something she is sorely tempted to do, but she knows Jake wouldn't be pleased with her.

"No shit little miss moon flower, but why so far away from the village?"

"Are you scared? Afraid you're going to get attacked by a big scary forest monster?"

"No," he says stiffly. "I'm more scared you're going to attack me."

Le'the's smile widens, and she steps closer to him and slings her bow from her back.

"Yeah... you aren't making me feel any better about this," he says, readjusting.

"Are you scared of me?" Her eyes twinkle slightly.

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