the party

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after purple slept he woke up and got out of his room to see ppl staring at him, purple was really nervous because of ppl staring at him,then, one of them said "hey there i think the king is calling you!" the stick said "oh! ok thank u for telling me" purple replied "oh! no biggie" she replied back, after that purple walked through the halls and once again he saw green "what do u need green?" purple said to his ruler "hmmm i dont remember calling you but could u pour me some wine?"green said when purple heard what his lord said purple poured the wine in the fancy glass and thought 'why did the girl lied?' but atleast he didnt get in trouble or anything, after purple poured the wine he said "do you need anything else green?" then green said "hmm... well tonight im having a party, how about u come with me?" purple was shocked to see the king picked him instead of other brave servants but....why him? he thought but then again he just went with it and said "of course, i will come with u my king" purple replied to his lord but then purple saw green smiling at him and said " u can go" then purple walked into the opposite direction to into the room

in the room

when purple went inside he saw some sticks laughing at him because of the girl who lied to him then the girl who lied to him said "so how does it feel getting in trouble" she said, everybody at the room thought purple got in trouble for going to the king without his permission or stuff like that but no instead he got invited to a party with the king but then purple said "what? im sorry but i didnt get in trouble" everybody stared at purple then the girl said "W-WHAT?! THEN WHAT DID THE KING DID TO U?!" the girl questioned purple, then purple said "oh! the king said hes having a party tonight and said to me if i want to come so i said of course" purple answered, everybody was shocked at what purple said and one of them "proof?" the stick said, then purple said "tonight im going so yeah thats the proof i only have..." everybody's mouths were opened and purple was starting to get uncomfortable and went into his room

a few hours later

purple was still in his room until some maid called him and said "uuh mister purple the king is calling u" the stick said, then purple got up and exited his room to see the others stick looking at him walking out of the room, when purple got out of the room he accidentally bumped into someone who was very tall and when purple opened his eyes he shook in fear, purple accidentally bumped into GREEN then purple said "i-im sorry green! pls forgive me!" "its ok" green said, the sticks inside the room heard this and they didnt believe this the king was nice?? and they heard purple call their king 'green' all of them was in shocked again but anyways, since purple already got out of the room, him and green started to go to the room where they were going to party while they were walking green touched purples back knowing purple is the type of stick who gets nervous easily, purple noticed that green was touching back purple would start to blush because of the king, then green noticed and smiled and blush without his servant noticing this

the king and his servant  avm fanfic (green x purple)Where stories live. Discover now