the new young servant

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"mister purple" said a female voice "yes?" said purple "the king is calling you" she said "oh ok thank you for telling me" purple replied "your welcome oh- and good luck being the kings new servant" she replied back "ok" purple replied, purple walked to the halls to go meet the king a few mins later he saw the king sitting at his throne, then purple bow down and said "your highness what do you need from me?" purple said "oh my you look very young how old are you?" the king said "im 17 years old your highness" purple replied  "hmm one year younger then me huh?" the king replied back "yes your highness" purple spoke "hmm well since your a new servant of mine...could you pls get me wine" ( idk what to do so i made him say wine even thought hes 18 i dont live in america ok) the king replied "of course your highness" said the little servant

purple gave the king some wine and the king drank it and told purple "whats your name little servant?" the king said "my name is purple rose your highness" purple replied "what a pretty name you have purple" the king replied "thank you your highness" purple replied "no need to call me highness just call me green" the king said purple was shocked that the king said that but just said "yes green" the guards at the sides were shocked too, they have never heard the king said this before but it seems like it then purple said "what do you need from me green?" "you can go now i dont need anything else" green said "ok green" purple said and walked away

while purple was walking at the halls he saw some servants waiting for him to ask him how it was being the kings servant for the first time,when purple was near the others the servants asked him how was it like being the kings servant for the first time and purple replied to all of those questions

after he replied to all of those questions one maid showed him where to rest, after the maid showed him where to rest he saw other maids who are boys and girls and all of them looked at purple because all of them were jealous that purple got the dream job that all of them wanted being the kings servant... purple looked at all of them and just smiled nervously at all of them one maid who was a boy said to purple "so... how is it like having everyones dream job?" he said aggresively then purple said "oh uh its ok green was nice to me" then all of them gasp in shocked and looked at purple and one of them said "why did you use the kings first name?!" then purple said "b-because the king said to not call him highness but only call him green!" the whole room went silent and everybody was looking at purple and purple was looking at everyone nervously, then purple went into his room and slept

the king and his servant  avm fanfic (green x purple)Where stories live. Discover now