Step 4

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Saturday came, more so as you liked. Zoro warned that today's weather was going to cook some birds and melt some cable antennas. Pretty much a day for sun bathing, but you both expected that Luffy was going to gather up the crew for a beach party. Which was calling for a packing of such things, drinks, snacks, bathing suits and etc.

"Zoro!" You called for him from the kitchen, continuing to make club sandwiches. "What?" You barely heard him respond coming from his room, exhaling softly as you cut the sandwich in triangles. "Can you make strawberry smoothies?" You placed the sandwich in the ziplock bag, putting it in your camping bag. "I'm in the middle of something right now."

You sighed, preparing another sandwich. "Just take the green one." You smiled as you heard him chortle, eye rolling at yourself in embarrassment that he might've caught you mistaking a usual guess. "There is no green one this time." You braced yourself for his unmistakable teasing, sensing the smugness as he walked down the stairs. "Thought you knew me well."

He approached next to you with an eminent smirk, you avoided his gaze while combining the ingredients together. "You picked out a different shirt, your malicious intent reeks, actually, you smell awful. Take a bath." You stopped what you were doing and faced away from him, covering your nose as he loomed over you. "Oh yea? What makes you think you can boss me around?"

You held your breath as you glanced to him, shirtless, his hand on the counter and obviously trying to evade your space with his sweaty smell. "You smell like shit, Zoro. You're going to rot the snacks!" You pushed him with your free hand, he laughed as your hand slipped off his chest, wet with his sweat. "Eugh! Get out of here!" You tried shaking the sweat off but it was horridly warm, resorting to kicking him out the kitchen. "Fine, I'll take a bath."

He walked away with a satisfied smile, leaving you to pout in disgust, washing your hand immediately as he left. "And soak in it while you can!" He laughed out loud, heading towards the bathroom. "Lazy ass." You grumbled as you dried your hands, returning to the sandwiches. "You're welcome!" He yelled out, you squeezed the knife at hand in annoyance. "Nah-nah naah." You mocked him quietly, scrunching your nose from the lingering smell.

It wasn't long before you finished making the sandwiches, well the bag was full so, you finished making them. Now it was time to make the smoothies, normally it would take about half an hour if Zoro helped but it took about almost an hour to do so. The crew most likely enjoyed having a second cup so you made four mixes to put in multiple cups, you didn't even count how many you've made.

You were on the last round of making the smoothie, waiting for the fruits to disappear into the thick cold pink smoothie when Zoro turned off the blender. Startled by his sudden appearance, you turn to him. "Yeah, we expected you'd call us for that." He looked at you with his phone tucked between his ear and his shoulder, holding two shirts in front of you to pick. "Yup. She's here." He leaned towards you to take the phone from his shoulder, taking it and nearing it to your ear cautiously.

"Y/N!" Luffy screamed in your ear through the phone, excitement in his voice. "Hey Luffy." You replied with an even tone, hoping he would soften his voice. "You're coming to the beach with us? Right?!" "Yeah boss, wouldn't miss it for the world." Zoro still held the shirts at both hands, purple shirt with yellow coconut trees imprinted and red shirt with orange palm tree leaves imprinted. "Alright! Full party! So what're you guys bringing?"

You contemplated amongst the purple and red before choosing the purple one, yet Zoro's expression falls uninterested. Rolling your eyes at him then come back to the conversation at hand, looking over to the bag and the smoothies. "Club sandwiches and strawberry smoothies." "Heck yeah!" The boy cheered over the other line, you can picture his little dance. "Everyone's probably there now, don't take too long!" Suddenly the line was cut off, beeping that the call was ended.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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