Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Breezing winds, in the mountains full of trees. A quiet place to feel such a Breeze moment of fresh air.

A voice came; "Yuuji, come here for a second. I need you to help me."
He respond; "Coming, mom!"
He stopped chopping the Woods for work.

He goes into the House to prepare meals for everyone. The food is so good, and smells Amazing.

"So, how's chopping with your Dad?" The mother of Yuuji asked.

Yuuji respond; "It was good. Many logs have been chopped, and thete will be enough fire for tonight."

"That's good to hear."

They handed the meal into the Table.
"Wow! Is that Roasted Chicken?!"

Cousin 1 asked excitedly.
Cousin 3 Shuts Cousin 1's Mouth.

"You have to be quite there, bro."
Yuuji chuckled.

"Fine fine. You go ahead and eat, I'll just go talk with my Father."

Mother Replied; "Okay dear. Be sure to go back quick. The food's getting cold."
"Okay mom." Yuuji replied.

He goes outside to find his father. He found his father sitting and Meditating. He approached his Father, nut suddenly vanished.


He soon realized. He needs to sense
his father.

His father approach to Yuuji's back as fast as he can, but Yuuji countered and Puts his father on the ground.

"Heh... Your sense came better."
"Thanks, dad. I'll take that as a Compliment."

Father asked; "So, what brings you here today? I thought you guys are gonna go eat."

Yuuji replied; "Actually, Father, it's about this Power I'm currently holding."
"What if I'm not capable of holding this? What if everything goes wrong? What if- What if people find out?! They hate Steins, right?"

Father sighs. "Yuuji, there's a reason
why I'm teaching you this power. I don't want you to reveal the Reason yet, but this power will ensure your Safety. No matter what happens, ignore those nonsense people who think you're a Coward and Dangerous."

Yuuji replied; "Thanks, Dad. I'll be going and eating now."
Yuuji left with a Dissapoint Face.

Back into the House.

"Oh Yuuji, go eat, and I'll tell you guys a Story."

"What's the Story about? Please be interesting." Said Yuuji.

"Oh it's a Real life event. You guys Listen, especially you, Dear." Mother said.

"Oh? Go on."

The narration starts:
Long ago, the Land of Linguista was in peace and happy moments in all living History. But, everything changed when the Demons Attacked. The Sacred Heart Knights are struggling to defeat them, but they found out, there someone can defeat all of the Entire demons, and that persons are the STEINS. They stopped the demon king's plan to capture the Border Stones, one of the most powerful Device that can wipe out an Entire land, or anything that can be wipe out. But one day, when the peace is ongoing, something's off with the Steins. Turns out, they started killing Peoples, turning into a Rampage beasts. The Linguista King handled them, and Killed them. Then, they Ambushed the Stein Village to Slay some. But it turns out, the Stein Villagers are like, looking innocent, but the King didn't. They still slayed them, and wiped out Stein Village. But, your father, who was the leader of Blue Dragons, the Stein Group who protects the Land, Escaped."

"Is this even a Story, or you just telling us how father escaped? Oh now we're criminal."

The Mother chuckles. "No, Yuuji. They thought your father is dead. Because-"

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