"Kitty, Lucy, and Alex are all at the castle right now and I'm sure they'll be coming over with mom and dad," Chad said. "It wouldn't be fair if my sisters got to learn the news now and Clay didn't. Is there enough room for him to bring Ava as well?"

"Chad, this is the castle that housed six kids," Rapunzel chuckled. "Of course there's enough room."

"Okay good," Chad smiled. He knew Bobby and Roland would probably be at the castle as well and the last thing Chad wanted was to make it seem like his sisters could bring their significant others and Clay couldn't do the same.

"Should we also bring Carlos?" Cassandra asked. "Or would that be too many people?"

"Nonsense!" Rapunzel said. "I'll go ahead and invite them all! This is a family celebration after all!"

Chad and Ginny couldn't help but smile as Rapunzel rushed to the phone. It didn't take long before the Corona castle was filled with all of their family.

"Chad!" Alexandria grinned as she rushed over to her brother and enveloped him in a hug.

"Hey Alex," Chad grinned back, returning the hug.

"What's the big news? Queen Rapunzel didn't say, only that we should get here as soon as we could. Good thing too cause I'm pretty sure dad was close to burning down the castle."

"It wasn't that bad," Kit shook his head.

"Dad, stick to baking," Kitty said and Lucy nodded.

Chad chuckled. "Well anyway I'm glad you could be all here...actually hold on one second. Queen Rapunzel, which way to your kitchen?"

"I'll show you Chad," Eugene said, seemingly on the same page, and Chad grinned as he followed the older royal; Ginny following the pair of them out of pure curiosity. It wasn't but a few minutes later that Eugene came back.

"Queen Ella, King Kit, your son and daughter in law would like to see you in the kitchen," he said with a smile.

Kit's eyebrows shot up in surprise as he and Cinderella followed Eugene to the kitchen. As they walked in, they were greeted by the sight of Chad and Ginny both standing with wide grins on their faces; they looked like children on Christmas morning. Kit couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at the sheer joy radiating from them.

"Mom, can you open the oven for me?" Chad asked.

"Of course," Cinderella said, her voice filled with surprise as she opened the nearest oven. Her eyes widened at the sight of a perfectly golden bun nestled inside. "Chad...why is there a bun in the oven?" Her gaze flicked to meet his, and she couldn't help but notice a look of nervous anticipation on his and Ginny's faces. And then it clicked for her. "You're pregnant!" The news hit her like a bolt of lightning, filling her heart with overwhelming joy and excitement. She could already picture Chad and Ginny's future as parents, surrounded by love and laughter.

Chad nodded and Cinderella rushed over and brought Ginny and Chad into her arms. She was followed soon after by Kit and the four of them stood there as happy as could be.

Cinderella's eyes lit up with excitement as she broke from the warm embrace. "Oh, this is wonderful! Congratulations! Do you know when the little one will arrive?" Her voice was filled with genuine curiosity and anticipation, waiting to hear all the details of the upcoming arrival.

"...November apparently," Ginny said as Chad held her close.

Cinderella's face remained calm and composed, betraying none of the surprise she felt at the news. Her mind raced with excitement at the thought of becoming a grandmother once more. "Well then, I'll be over soon to lend a hand with setting up the nursery though I think I'll be tag teaming with Rapunzel there," she said with a smile.

"Have you thought of names yet?" Kit asked.

"Well we kinda just found out we were having a baby," Ginny said with a small chuckle.

Chad cleared his throat. "Actually...Gin, if we have a boy...there is a name I'd like to use. If it's alright with you?"

"Please tell me you're not going to name the baby after Clay's father?" Ginny asked.

"I mean, it would also be a way to honor your brother, but no, I'm not suggesting we name the baby Clayton," Chad said, shaking his head with determination. "If our little one happens to be a boy...I want to name him Christopher."

Kit's jaw dropped open in shock and Cinderella let out a soft gasp of surprise at the unexpected declaration. The air seemed to hum with emotion as Chad's words hung between them, carrying the weight of their shared history and future hopes. It was a simple statement, but one that held deep significance for both of them.

"I think that's a wonderful idea," Ginny said. "Christopher Charming, we can call him Chris for short."

Chad's face lit up with a warm, grateful smile as he turned to Kit. His eyes shone with emotion as he spoke, his voice laced with sincerity and gratitude. "I hope you don't mind, Dad," he began, "but after everything you've done for me...I can't think of any other name to give my son." The weight of his words hung in the air, heavy with meaning and significance. It was clear that this decision meant a great deal to Chad, a symbol of the deep love and appreciation he held for Kit.

"I'm honored," Kit said softly and went over to give Chad another hug.

"I guess it's a good thing Kitty took 'Elliot' as a name," Cinderella said with a small chuckle.

Ginny shrugged. "I'm sure we may have used that if Kitty had chosen to use Christopher," she said with a smile.

"Well then, should we go back to the others and give the girls the good news?" Kit said as he broke from the hug.

"I think that's a wonderful idea," Chad said and the four of them went back to join the others.

Ginny's heart fluttered with joy as her smile stretched from ear to ear, never once faltering. She couldn't believe it...after years of trying and hoping, it was finally happening. The news spread like wildfire and the whole town came out to celebrate with her. Every face she saw was filled with love and excitement for her and the new life growing within her. Even if this was the only time she would experience pregnancy, it wouldn't matter because this moment was all she needed to feel complete.

Cassandra put a hand on Ginny's shoulder and gave it a small squeeze, as if knowing what her sister was thinking about. Ginny smiled at Cassandra and the makeshift party continued on for hours; Rapunzel even calling her own children and their partners so that the whole family could join in.

I hope you know how loved you are little one, Ginny thought as she put her hand on her stomach. So, so loved and you're not even here yet. We're all looking forward to meeting you but take your time please?

There was no reply but Ginny didn't need one. She knew that for once, there was nothing to worry about.

Choosing Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें