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I didn't know I let out a squeal until I looked up and saw a few other students staring at me. I quickly shut my phone and turned to my books but found I was unable to read now with all the anticipation. That was truly it for studying today. At least I got a decent amount done. My books and papers were messing shoved into my bag after they'd been stubborn to go in and I lost my patience I threw my wool coat on before my bag and made my way out of the old library with a slight skip in my step.


Before going to the pub I dressed a bit warmer and a bit cozier, in one of my dark grandpa-patterned sweaters tucked into my wide-legged trousers and a belt, along with my black boots to go with them. It was bloody cold and rainy so I also wore my black trenchcoat but I never bothered with an umbrella. I walked to the pub, knowing exactly where it was in town and it was only 10 blocks from my flat. We went to the same pub last time, Matt and I, when he'd come to visit two years ago since then I went down for a Christmas and that was the last time I saw him. Although it was a year ago, I knew where it was and I didn't get lost. The place was crowded and so loud I didn't know if I'd be able to find him in the crowd but he was fucking tall so after a scan of the place I guessed that he wasn't there and took my seat at an empty stool at the bar.

"'Ello 'Ello, love. What may I get you?" The bartender asked a red-haired man with the sleeves of his shirt rolled up who seemed terribly busy with everyone asking for drinks. I felt on the spot all of a sudden and blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"A-A Guinness? A half-pint, please," Surprised by my own answer as I'd usually go for a glass of red, the man just smiled and served me before the other men waiting. I smiled back and glanced around the bar another time before taking a sip of my drink.

"Hi," A deep voice sounded from rather close to me that I didn't recognize. A man came and stood next to me, he seemed around my height or taller with brown fluffy hair in a quiff with a curl on the top of his head and a sharp jawline with big brown eyes that could only be described as puppy dog eyes. I've got to say, the eyes almost didn't match the mostly black outfit he sported; black jeans, a white t-shirt and a leather jacket. But it fit together nicely, you could say he was cute at the very least and the 50s greaser look was actually hot. I met his eyes but quickly looked away as I knew a small grin was rising to my cheeks along with a blush.

"H-Hi," I returned and tried to suppress my smile as I looked back at the man in front of me. He smiled back at me and leaned an arm on the bar.

"I'm Alex," He introduced himself, holding his hand out for a shake and I took it.

"Charlotte,"  His hands were soft but his callous fingertips brushed against the base of my palm and I guessed he played an instrument or worked with his hands a lot. What was crazy was that I hadn't broken eye contact yet and usually by now I would've shied away into the corner away from their eyes. But holding contact meant that I noticed when his expression changed to one of confusion with a raised eyebrow and I knew the next question.

"Are you from here?" I smiled to myself. Not only was I right but he had such a perfect voice that it made me giddy to hear the same question I get asked every time I speak.

"Um, I'm from Canada, but I live here," I shrugged and remembered I was still holding his hand.

"Oh, wow, that's a long way from here," I nodded along laughing. He licked his lips, glancing away before looking back at me and popping a question. "Listen, I'm here with some mates of mine, wanna join us?" He offered, making my eyes widen and I almost felt bad for having to say no. 

Piledriver Waltz ☆ Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now