𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕦𝕓𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕥𝕦𝕥𝕖

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The following week in Glee Club, Mr Schuster made his way into the room while Faith was sitting between Sam and Santana. She thought he looked a little sick but didn't think anything of it, until Mercedes pointed out he looked green and he mentioned something about getting them a sitter.

What were they? 5 year olds.

In true Rachel Style, once the teacher left, she wrote 'ME!' on the board to make the lesson about her.

"Class, in Mr. Schuester's absence, I'd like to go around and ask everyone what solos they'd like to hear me perform at sectionals."

Everyone seemed to roll their eyes at her, except for Santana who took the opportunity to get out of her chair and charge her while yelling.

"All right, you know what? Let me at her! ¡Tú eres loca!" Everyone grabbed at Santana to make sure she didn't actually attack Rachel, Sam and Faith holding the majority of the power.

Faith hinted to Finn to get Rachel out of the room while Santana cooled down. Once she was settled, Santana and Faith went to Cheerios practice and eventually to faith's after school.


That night, Santana and Faith were cuddling. There's nothing romantic about it, just two friends showing affection.

"Hey San, would I be a bad friend if I had interest in a guy who had been involved with my friend?" Santana knew Faith, and she knew something was bothering her. She was glad that Faith was finally opening up about it.

"Faith I can see it in your eyes, you don't mean anything bad about it and it's not your fault. You wouldn't be a bad friend for having feelings, you can't control those... I mean it was kind of obvious you had a thing for trouts." Before Santana could finish her statement, Faith interrupted.

"Who's trouts? Hold up, are you talking about Sam?"

Santana nodded.

"Who else would you be talking about?"

" Santana, I was asking you about your past with puck. I went on a date with him and I think I want to go on another... You really think I have feelings for Sam."

"Thinking is one thing, feeling is another. Faith I've known you for a year and a half and you're my best friend. Maybe you don't know it yet, but your eyes are telling a different story. I think you've liked Sam longer than you're letting on and are scared of the fact that he's dating Quinn and can't feel the same way whether he does or doesn't."

Faith knew Santana was wrong, but was she? Faith wasn't too sure, she thought she had figured out she had no feelings towards him but maybe she was lying to herself. At that point, every emotion and thought she had popped out.

"Santana, I don't know what to do. I mean I felt a spark with him from the second I met him and we never did anything in the 3 weeks before he met Quinn. I didn't even know my feelings and then he's dating Quinn, one of my best friends. I'm good at avoiding feelings, not facing them head on, all just seems kind of scary."

Faith could feel the tears pricking her eyes, but she never let them show. Not over a guy. Santana didn't know what to say, she knew there was nothing she could say so instead she wrapped Faith up tighter and played with her hair while she fell asleep.


The next day, Faith was sitting in the front next to Brittany, Santana sitting on her other side, talking about how they couldn't deal with another Rachel lesson. Just then, Sam and Quinn came in hand in hand. They were too busy in conversation with each other to notice, until they took the seat right next to Faith. Of course Quinn couldn't sit next to her, it had to be Sam. He looked at her and smiled before returning to his conversation with Quinn.

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