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As Glee Club started the following week, Faith was sitting next to Finn, as Mr Schuster welcomed back puck and announced the competition for sectionals, everyone was excited.

"First, the acapella group from the all-boys private school in Westerville, the Dalton Academy Warblers."

"Okay, hold up. Like a million awesome gay jokes just popped into my head." Santana and Faith always seem to have the same humor and thought process, so Faith leaned back and whispered to her.

"San, what do you call a gay boxer? Fruit Punch!" Even though faith and Santana knew the joke was bad, they both giggled a bit before paying back attention to the other team they would be competing against.

"And the other team to beat, the Hipsters. A first-year club from the Warren township continuing education programme. Now, they are a glee club composed entirely of elderly people getting their high school GEDs."

Most people seemed to be confused or upset by competing against this group, but Faith was mostly amused by puck.

"Are you kidding? Brittle bones. Give one of those old ladies a good luck pat on the rear, it'll shatter her pelvis." Although it was a horrible idea, it was a funny joke so faith couldn't hold back her laughter.

"Moving on. Since this seems to get you guys jazzed about sectionals last year, I wanna make this week our second annual boys versus girls tournament. So! Split up into two groups, and, uh, figure out which songs you're gonna sing."

Faith was always so excited to do mashups, and especially excited to do another competition this year. Last year, even though the girls just deserved to win, it resulted in a tie from an unfair Advantage when each team took vitamin D. However, Faith did feel bad when Kurt wanted to be on the girl's team and Mr she would never let him. She didn't think it was fair. However, there must have been a shift because when the members were called back to the glee club, it was announced that the boys would be doing songs traditionally sung by girls, and girls would be doing more rock.


As Faith was making her way to meet up with Britt, Quinn grabbed her by the arm and brought her to coach Sue's office. On her way there, the only thing Quinn said was: "I need you for moral support."

"I know what I heard. There we were, making out, and he said it. Beiste. I think he was picturing making out with her." Faith was shocked, why would Sam Be thinking about his coach?

"Ew, what?! Quinn that is horrific" Even Sue was at a loss of words.

"Coach, I need help. I've done everything I can to rebuild my image. I'm getting straight As, dating the cutest guy at school-" Even though Faith understood Quinn's dilemma, she was still confused as to why she was asking coach for advice, especially when coach usually is destroying people not helping.

"Who would rather be dry-humping She-Hulk. Oh, dear God. Why did I say that, now that's what I'm picturing. You know what kind of disgusting images I'm gonna have to look at to get this outta my head? I'm gonna have to go straight to the womb care center, I'll have to stare at some wombs." Sometimes, Faith really didn't know when Sue was kidding or being serious. However, it seemed to strike an idea in her. "Wait. This may be the opportunity I've been waiting for. A way to get Beiste out of this school and get your Macaulay Culkin stunt double back in your arms."

Though faith was usually against evil, she wanted to help her best friend and rid Beiste if she wasn't being a proper educator.

"What does Quinn have to do? I'll help too." Quinn smiled at the girl, she only wanted her moral support but having her help would also mean a lot.

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