Sam pov

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Today when I woke up I had a huge ass headache it sucked and all of my boyfriends were gone today probably making YouTube videos.

My boyfriends are Corey,Jake, and Colby
I actually don't know if all of them are gone but maybe I know for a fact Coreys gone and Colby I don't know about Jake.

Do I got up with a massive headache I slowly walked to his room seeing him asleep I go over to his bed and crawl in bed with him. He wrapped his arms around me cuddleing me. I nuzzled my head into his chest I didn't notice he was shirtless at first but now I do but I don't care he's hugging my.waist super tight like he doesn't want to let go.

Jake pov
I was in my room fully awake when Sam crept in I pretended I was asleep so he could cuddle with me. He got into my bed and went under my arms I pulled him close to me like I didn't want to let go my arms were wrapped around his tiny waist. Damn he was so short or maybe I was just tall I don't know. I'm the tallest from all of them anyway so I was basically top,top then all of them then it was Colby and Corey they were at the same hight and we're basically the same so it didn't matter and of course Sam was bottom because he was short and the cutest so he was bottom.

I kissed Sam's forehead whilst he was asleep in my arms I got up from my bed until I heard a little voice "d-dont go Jake.." it was Sam damn he was so cute I couldn't resist him so I picked him up and he wrapped his arms and legs around me nuzzling into me tightly. "I'm not going anywhere babe" I said gently Sam slightly nodded "cute" I said him getting all flustered.

I carried Sam downstairs onto the couch we sat there cuddling for a while until Colby came home Sam got up slowly and so did I we went over to Colby.

Colby picked Sam up giving him a kiss on the forehead and gave me a hug.

I got home from Brennans and saw Sam running towards me hugging me so I picked him up and I hugged Jake obviously  damn Sam was so cute and tiny I cant resist himi could tell that sam was dozing off i put my hand over his forehead to feel if he was got and Damn he was burning up. I took him to his bed Jake following  i set Sam in his bed "Jake go grab medicine and water for Sam" I said kinda worried because Sam's never sick. Jake came back up to Sam's room. With the stuff when Sam woke up I saw he was more paler than usual "san take this medicine" I said to him I knew he hated medicine so this was gonna be hard "No" he said annoyed almost "do it now" I said demanding "No you can't make me" he said almost  yelling he turned over and stuffed his face into his pillow I knew I couldn't argue with his so I made Jake hold Sam down as I tried to open his mouth until he finally cracked opening his mouth he did have tears running down his cheeks but he does this all the time so we didn't bother I stuffed the medicine in his mouth and gave him the water. And he took is almost gaging at the taste. "Yuck" Sam says "it's good for you Sam" Jake says from behind me "No I hate it" Sam says pouting "whatever deal with it" I say kinda annoyed with Sam

next day
Sam's been gone all day none of us has seen him he's not in his room or anywhere else in the house we've looked everywhere. The time Sam came back it was about 3 in the morning and he was drunk all of us hated when Sam was drunk he was get us all ticked off all the time and every time he got drunk. "I'm HoMe"Sam yells drunkly we all go  over to him "goddamn it Sam of course your drunk" Corey says annoyed "of course" Jake said "DoNt bE lIkE tHaT" he said drunkly soon Sam just fell drunk thank god Jake caught him before he fell to the ground Jake picked him up Sam's legs wrapping around Jake's waist "I DoNt WaNnA gO tO bEd jAkEy" Sam said slurring his words like a. Snake,Sam's crazy drunk right now so all we have to do is wait for him to sober up Jake takes Sam upstairs to his room since it's bigger than the rest of ours we all follow laying with him Sam being in middle since he's the bottom. Next morning Sam was all groggy since he was drunk when the rest of us woke up we kinda yelled at Sam since we all hated when he was drunk

"What the hell Sam!" Corey jumped right into it
"Why did you get drunk huh!? This is why we don't let you out to go to clubs and shit!" Jake yelled I knew that Sam hated being yelled at expcially by Jake since he could probably take us all down one by one and I understood him Jake scared me when he got mad when Jake and Corey left after yelling and scolding him Sam started crying.

I went over to sama and hugged him
"It's okay Sam." I said gently
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to this man.... He made me i promise I'm not lieing" he said crying
"I know I know but what are you talking about a man?" I said kind o defensively
"This dude went up to me and shoved a drink into my mouth and said if I don't drink these they'd either kill you guys or me I didn't want that" Sam said crying
"It's okay I Sammy it's okay I get you didn't want to get killed or us to get killed" I said gently patting him on the back
"I'm sorry Colby I'm sorry I really didn't mean to get drunk" Sam said sobbing
"It's okay I promise I'll go talk to Jake and Corey don't worry,okay?"
"Okay" Sam said now calming down after crying
I let go of sam and head downstairs Sam holding my hand going over to Jake and Corey. I talk to them Sam hiding behind me dozing off. Next thing you know we're all cuddling in my bed.

The ending was so bad omg pretend its a good ending okay even though it's bad just bear with me here I'm dieing that took so long though ngl

It was so long to write but at least it's done and I'm right or am I right(I'm right)

Okay see you later pookies!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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