Let's be friends!

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I was about to walk out the door when someone shouts out my name. 

? -  "Y/N!"

 I turn around to see three people two boys and one girl. They walk up to me. 

? - "You are Y/N right?"

 One of the boys ask me. 

Y/N - "Yes, yes I am"  

Harry Potter - well hi I'm Harry, Harry Potter. And this is Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger." 

 Y/N - "Nice to meet you all.

I smile.

Hermione Granger - Nice to meet you too, we were just wondering if you would like to be friends?" 

 Y/N - "well of course I would!"

 I smile.

 Ron Weasley- "Great. Well then we'll catch you later Y/N."  

Y/N - "Definitely."

 I smile just before we walk past each other. 

I sigh then walk out of the great hall. I start walking thought the halls when two red headed boys walk up to me.

 ? - "Hello I'm Fred Weasley and this is my twin brother George, we were just wondering if you would want to be friends?

 I smile. 

Y/N -  "sure." 

After the introduction all three of us stand and talk for a while. 

About ten minutes go by and we are still chatting when one of the brothers freezes in his feet.

 George Weasley - "Um Y/N behind you."

 He points behind me.

 George Weasley - "I think we will catch you later Y/N."

 And they both fled. I take a sigh of relief and turn around

Y/N - "hi dad."

 I look up at my father. 

Father (professor Snape) - "Hello. I see you have made friends."

Y/N - "more than I can count that's for sure."

 I sigh 

Father (professor Snape) - "anyway are you ready for a tour or would you just like to explore on your own?"

 Y/N - "I think I'll be fine on my own, I have had enough human interaction for today but thanks anyway dad."

Father (professor Snape) - "well if you need any help you know where to find me." 

I nod and watch him walk away.

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