Chapter Twenty One: I'm Yours

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"I was going to ask you the same."

Slowly Harry peeked around the corner again, probably getting seen by Gemma because she called, "Harry stop being a creep!" He made a face at Louis but nonetheless came around the corner, Louis reluctantly trailing behind and Harry grabbed him around the waist forcibly.

Harry took in the situation, the whole family facing the sugary couch. "What did you do to Louis?" he immediately asked.

"Told you I was being held hostage," Louis muttered.

"I just had a little interrogation, brother."

"Mom! You should have stopped her!"

"What? The girl is like a force of nature. Plus I really wanted some answers for myself," she said, but sent a warm smile towards Louis when he peeked around Harry's body.

"Robin! You of all people should have stopped this!" Harry complained. He just chuckled and shrugged. "Why would you do this?"

"They were brutal," Louis whispered. Gemma glared at him. Louis was getting braver now that Harry was there.

"We were not! I just want to know why the guy is wearing your pajamas that you got when you were sixteen," Gemma defended.

"You liar!" Louis gasped and turned to Harry. Harry had convinced him these weren't from when he was young and Louis was mortified at the fact that these were slightly too long for him even though he was twenty-one. Humiliating. Harry rolled his eyes and just squeezed his hip as an apology, but the move caught Anne's eyes.

"So this is your cleaner?" Gemma smirked, eyeing the way Harry had wrapped his arm around him. She leaned back in her chair, arms crossed over her chest. "Who you call 'Boo'."

"Cleaner?" Harry raised a brow at Louis. He shrugged with a light blush.

"I don't know," Louis shrugged and Harry shot him a fond little smile before turning to his family.

"Well, everyone, this is Louis. My boyfriend, who you knew about." He scolded them lightly.

"You knew," Louis was mortified. He'd been sitting there like a deer at the traffic lights and they'd been playing!

"We didn't know what you looked like but we knew about Tommo," Gemma smirked.

"I think everybody know about the Tommo," Robin laughed with a soft smile. Louis kind of liked him.

"I'm sorry, Louis. I just wanted to know what kind of guy my son is in love with," Anne smiled warmly. Well then. If Louis had been blushing earlier, it was nothing compared to how red he was now.

Well, he guessed it hadn't been that bad after all... "I guess it's" They chuckled and even Gemma cracked a hint of a smile. In about half a minute they had turn from scary to actually kind of sweet. Well, Gemma was still on the edge... she was still watching him like a hawk. It was all a little overwhelming. Louis tucked into Harry's side and he smiled down at him. His fingers pressed into Louis' hip, against his bare skin.

"Maybe you should put on some clothes," he murmured to him, eying a faint mark over his collarbone.

"Oh." He had forgotten he was only wearing pants. There were faint marks and hickeys pretty much all over him, some old and some new, but definitely visible.

"And maybe get some of the sugar out of your hair," Harry smiled and placed a kiss at his temple.

"Thought you liked it sweet," Louis grinned as he whispered into his ear, before bouncing off towards Harry's room. When he got inside and closed the door he immediately fell back onto the bed. Jesus. He had just met Harry's family and he'd been a total idiot. How could they like him? He'd lied and said he was Harry's lost cleaner! Dear lord, something was severely wrong with him. And right now they were surely speaking about him. Louis needed to rant. Or at least express some sort of feelings.

You You You | ORGINALLY WRITTEN BY ISTHATYOULARRY ON AO3Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang