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The man woke up with a small grunt, looking at the black mass above him confused.

[Narrator] "The man named Pickle had just woken up and had various thoughts running through his head, some concerning the food he was to capture."

The things he was seeing around him left him bewildered. Lights, transparent objects, lines running both vertically and horizontally.

Regarding those thoughts, undoubtedly, he seemed to have a thought on that scent. He was stark naked, though it didn't seem to bother him.

Pickle grunted. He didn't know what beast may lay ahead of him, so he had to tread silently.

After Pickle walked a while, he came upon a section coated with light in the dark hallway.

A small man was seated at his desk, muching on something.

Was this where the scent was coming from?

The small human turned to see the savage peering over him. He stood looking at the human for a while before seeing the meat behind him.

Pickle reached his hand towards it, lifting it up to his mouth.

The human watched as the savage ate the meet in just one bite before looking at him.

Pickle leaned down to the human's height curiously before sniffing him.

Pickle sniffed the air and walked to the hall and looked down into the dimness, looking slide to side as it was split two ways.

He was silent for a minute before Pickle growled softly, turning back to the human, looking at the object in his hands.

Pickle growled louder, beginning to pace towards the puny being.

"Woah! Wait a minute now." The blond man held his hand out in panic. "Let's not be hasty!"

The prehistoric being in front of him did not understand what he was saying, only noticing the fear dripping from him.

Pickle began walking forward, continuing to growl as the human held up his gun, telling him to stop.

It took a while before the man fired a shot. Though, in a split second, he felt a menacing presence behind him.

Dr. Allen hadn't felt true fear in his life before this experience.

He turned quickly, firing shots at the tanned man before backing up into a wall.

Pickle held a hand to his wound, staring at the red liquid seeping from him.

His own blood?

What was this...thing..that was as sharp as a stone but moved as fast as the wind itself?

"It...It's your fault! You made me do it!" Allen started to panic.

Pickle raised his hand with the three bullets on it, blood coating his hand. He lifted it higher to his face.

Pickle clenched his hand into a fist and made a pitcher's  throw, causing the bullets to fly back to Allen.

Poor Allen stood in shock. Both bullets had pierced the wall behind him, but one had managed to hit his shoulder.

Blood running cold, Allen watched as the male walked up to him with a haunting look in his eyes.


Allen had done it. He had successfully captured the savage beast in a cellar with the supposed enemy.

"You locked who in where?"

"I was as surprised as you are, Professor." Allen smiled weakly at his superior, holding his injured shoulder. "But believe me, it's all true. Pickle has been brought back to life and is now safely confined in the freezing unit."

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