Chapter Sixteen: Field Day

Start from the beginning

An idea flashed to his mind. "Then why don't you come with then? Check up on me, see what I buy?"


"Oh yes! You should definitely do that!" Niall agreed excitedly.

"I can't go. I'll get killed," Harry said, dead serious.

"Oh come on! We'll dress you up real good! It'll be fun! C'mon!" Louis begged.

"No way! I don't even think I'm allowed to be there."




"No. And don't look at me like that!"


"The answer is no."


An hour later Louis, Niall and a sulking Harry were sitting in a black SUV. They were well dressed up. Louis looked like teenage fanboy with hipster glasses, Niall looked like Ellen Degeneres and it was even hard for Louis to recognize Harry without tight pants or curls or with those lenses that Louis had found at home that made Harry's eyes look brown instead of green. The car drove through town, Niall and Louis jumping up and down in their seats with excitement. They came to a stop about a block from the merch store.

"Okay, huddle up boys!" Louis said. Harry rolled his eyes but did as told. "Okay, so when we get out there it's going to be mad. Girls running around everywhere screaming 'One Direction' and Harry, if they say your name, don't look. The line will be long but stay patient! We will get to see the Harry dolls eventually. And also," he stared at them. "If there is only one set of sheets left, it's mine!"

"Sure, Louis. And I've got drivers number in case of emergency!" Niall grinned.

"How did you manage that in like ten minutes?" Harry frowned.

"I'm just that good."

"I have security on speed dial just in case," Harry informed then.

"I don't know if I should feel more safe or scared by that, but okay," Louis said. They all climbed out of the car, beginning to walk along the streets to get to the store. The closer they got the more girls they saw and when they came around a corner Louis gasped. Woah.

The line for the store was incredible. It wasn't even a line, just a huge mass of people waiting to be let in. There were even a couple of officers to keep everything in check.

"Remind me again why we're doing this," Harry swallowed.

"Because it's a great way for you to see things from the fandoms point of view and..." Louis said unsurely. "and this is the first time for us like outside, and uhm... it's gonna' be great." He whispered out the last words. Holy shit, this was a lot of people. What if they recognized Harry? He literally actually would be killed.

"If this goes to hell, I'm blaming you," Harry told him.

"Sure," Louis smiled. "Oh and Harold?"


"It's probably best if you don't talk much. It's just..." He tried to escape Harry's suspicious eyes. "You have a very nice and throaty and deep voice y'know..."

"And you talk slow as shit so people would recognize it," Niall said easily.

"So you're saying that you brought me here to get killed and I can't scream for help?"

"Of course you can scream for help, love. Just...internally." Louis smiled.

They made their way towards to crowd, already getting looks from several judgy little eyes. Yes they were boys and yes they liked One Direction! Problem?

You You You | ORGINALLY WRITTEN BY ISTHATYOULARRY ON AO3Where stories live. Discover now