Chapter 2

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  We head into the room and I sit down, waiting for class to begin, and to get to know the teacher. "Oh look, it's the gay boy!!" I heard someone yell. The bell rang and I sighed, "See?" Class has started, and we are learning about the teacher. "Since today is the first day, there are no assigned seats. My name is Mrs. Jay, and I like the colors purple and red." She said and she seems pretty cool so far. Mrs. Jay says that she is 14 weeks pregnant, which makes me wonder what gender the baby is gonna be. I think me and Mrs. Jay will get along pretty well. I doodled while Mrs. Jay kept talking.
    Cass tapped me on the shoulder. "The bell rang, day dreamer." She said, "Get up." I got up and realized I now have a study hall with Leo. I saw Leo walking by so I walked over to him. "Hey!" I exclaimed. "Hey." "How was your last class?" "Some girl came up to me and told me to stay away from you, only because you said you were gay. I said no and she almost yelled at me." "Yikes, was it someone named Victoria? The girl from the homeroom?" I asked while walking in the classroom to find Victoria was in it. Leo nodded, which told me that it was Victoria. "Damn it." I whispered. There were 3 other students too. The teacher came in a minute after us, telling us we can sit anywhere in the room, the reason being there isn't a huge group with him. "How did she come here before us?" Leo asked. "It probably is because we were walking slowly, and Victoria is the 'queen' of the school, and hallways." I said, air quoting the word queen. "Queen you said? Of course I am!" Victoria said. Leo and I both sighed at the same time. No you aren't, I thought. The passing period had ended. "Wanna go sit in the back?" Leo asked me. I nodded and we went to the back of the room, with Victoria following us. "Oh Eli!" Victoria said. "Yes Victoria?" I asked like I was bored. "Oh you don't need to call me Victoria, call me Tori, or Vicky!" She exclaimed. Oh great, the nickname 'Vicky' reminds me of the babysitter with the two fairies with green and pink hair. She spotted Leo next to me. She scoffed, "Elias, what are you doing with that new kid? You do know that popular boys like you shouldn't be with newbies." she said. "Victoria, can you please go away? This is my new friend, and you know I always sit with the 'unpopular' kids. Don't you remember that I said I didn't like you, and that I was gay?" I said, air-quoting the word unpopular. "Well, I, umm.. Ugh nevermind!" she exclaimed while she stormed off and went into the front of the room. I looked at Leo, motioning the crazy sign. Leo nodded.
    Leo grabbed his computer and started typing. "Oo, what are you doing?" I whispered to Leo. "Oh, I'm writing a book." He said in a soft voice. "Books are boring, try making movies, loser. I bet you can't because you're a newbie." Victoria said, signaling that she overheard us. Leo sighed and I rolled my eyes. "Well I think books are cool, they tell you the real story of a movie. Also, television in general is unhealthy for a 'Pretty' Girl like you. I recommend reading books for once, Victoria." I said to her with a quick smile in a 'I hate you' type of way "UGH!" Victoria exclaimed and sighed loudly.
    The rest of the class was silent. I looked at Leo and he looked up at me and smiled while he was typing words into his book. Leo and I both got up at the same time, and left the classroom. Leo, Cass, Ori and I have the same class. We found each other and proceeded to walk to the same class, which is English. In English, we got to sit wherever with whomever, as long as we weren't too loud with each other. We agreed to be silent, and sat together. I whispered to Cass, "Your brother is cool, but are you sure you guys are twins? 'Cause Leo is a lot nicer than you, for sure." I chuckled a little. "Yes, we are twins, Eliason." Cass said while punching me. "Ow, that hurt." I whispered. "Oh shush crybaby." Cass said stifling a laugh.
    Cass went to hold Orion's hand, but then Cass hesitated. "Cass, tell them that you, you know, like them." I said in a small whisper. "I will by the end of this year, keep quiet." Cass whispered angrily. "You said that last year, just do it during a special time. Like maybe a photoshoot or something. You do know that during special occasions, they dress up nice." I whispered while I doodled in my notebook. "Well what would I even wear?" Cass asked. "Wear a suit or like a dress or something, we could go shopping together sometime soon." I said while I drew myself on my skateboard, and I drew myself looking at the sunset. Then I sighed quietly.
    I kept doodling until the bell rang for us to go to our next class. I got up out of my seat, and walked outside of English. I went to my next class (sadly I'm alone for this class), which is Photography. When I was a kid, I wanted to take pictures of my perfect, beautiful life but sadly, life isn't perfect. At least you can try to make it beautiful. It wouldn't be perfect, but depending on the way you see it, it can be beautiful in your own creative way. I got to Photography and sat down. The teacher came in and the bell rang. The teacher introduced himself and told us what we would be doing for the rest of the school year. I thought that the teacher was cool. I hope I can get through this class. The bell rang and school was out for the day, so we grabbed our stuff out of our lockers and went onto the bus. Cass sat across from me, sitting next to Orion. Cass, Ori, Leo and I sat in the back. While the bus was going its route, Leo and I exchanged phone numbers. Everyone was off of the bus except me. I got home and opened the door to my dog immediately running to me with his waggy tail. We went to our backyard and played for a while, then we both went to my room to grab my guitar, and plug the guitar into the amp to play it.
    While I was busy playing my guitar, my door opened. "Hey Eli, how was school?" dad asked. "It was normal." I said. "Yea?" "Yea." "You do know you can still play when I come in." "Well, I don't want to right now because I am working on a song. It's a surprise." "Alright, well, night Elias." he said. "Night dad, love you." I said. "Love you too." he said, closing my door. That conversation felt awkward, but I shrugged it off. I got ready to sleep and laid down. I checked the time and saw it was 10:50 pm so I tried to fall asleep.

    The next thing I knew, I woke up at 6:30 am. I jumped out of bed and got ready for school. I ate and then brushed my teeth. I grabbed my bag and grabbed a water bottle from out of the fridge. I stood next to the couch, watching the news to check the weather.
    I went to open the door, "Bye mom!" I said while leaving the house. I closed the door and walked to my bus stop. I checked my phone to see what time it was. 7:20 am. The bus came from around the corner and stopped to pick me up. I went to the back and saw my group of friends. "Hey." I said. "Hey," they all said. "Jinx!" Cass yelled. Leo and Orion sighed. "Leo Leo Leo, Ri Ri Ri" I yelled. "Damn it." Cass mumbled. I laughed. "Eli?" Leo said. "Yea?" I asked. "Want to come over tonight?" He asked. "Oh, um, sure!" I said. "Hey, remember when Jessica said that she was lesbian yesterday?" I asked "Yea, what about it?" Cass responded. "Well, I was thinking, can we invite her to our lunch table?" I asked them. "Well sure, if she doesn't hurt us in any way." Orion said. "I don't think she will, she seems nice." I said.
    We were allowed to get off. We went to our usual classes. "Psst. Eliason." Cass whispered, "Are you in love with my brother or something?" She asked. "No, of course not. We just met, how could I possibly be in love with him?" I asked. "Yea sure. I told you a lot about him!" Cass exclaimed. "He's new, and I don't know much about him. I need to talk to him more if I really want to date him." I said, "Which is why I am coming over tonight to find out more about him. But I want to know him through his mind." "I guess that's true. Sometimes I don't even know him. Like what if he is also gay?" "I don't know, wouldn't he have told you?" "Probably." "Exactly my point, you need to learn about people before you fall in love." I said. "Also I like Andrew, I love him." "Fine fine you're right, I'm wrong." Cass said. I smiled.
    We went to our lockers, and after that we went on to our usual schedule. I got stopped before I went into my next class. "Hey, Elias, I want to tell you something." Andrew said. "Yea Drew?" I said. "I love you," He paused, "Like, in a way that I would with a girl." He said, finishing his sentence. "Oh, like, you are actually in love?" I asked, sorta hoping that he is. "No, I'm not in love with a freak like you." He replied. He laughed while handing me a note saying, I'm sorry Eli, my teammates don't want us to be friends anymore since they know that you're gay, they think you are disgusting. :( You are brave for loving the same gender. I sighed and nodded.

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