Chapter Fourteen: Mean Girls

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Louis sighed. What the hell was this place? It was an emergency room right? It had been 1 and a half our, come on!

After twenty more minutes of misery Louis finally got checked out. It appeared his arm wasn't broken, only bruised up pretty badly. He didn't need a cast be he got recommended to take some painkillers.

When they got home Niall leaned on the breakfast bar, smirking at Louis. "So, Thursday night? You, me and Shuana?"

Louis who was walking like a zombie towards his room, stopped and slowly turned around. His eyes were dead. "You're joking right?"

Niall shook his head and calmly said, "Nope."

"I hate you," Louis stated simply. He didn't have the energy to fight it anymore.

"Sweet dreams!" Niall called after him. He shut the door loudly and fell straight into his bed, immediately falling asleep.


It was Tuesday which meant skipping afternoon classes and watching tv, snuggling with the boyfriend on the couch. Louis' arm didn't hurt as much anymore, though it had wicked bruise. When Harry finally had called Louis in the morning (why are people telling me I'm a bad boyfriend on twitter?) and found out what happened he had very gentlemanly taken good care of Louis.

Louis was now pressed in between the back of the couch and Harry, who was lying with his back facing the tv, had his face buried in his neck. Louis could catch glimpses of the show over his shoulder, but he didn't pay much attention to what was on. He yawned and patted Harry softly at the small of his back. He made a cute little puffy sound, sighing into Louis' neck.

"I'm tired," he said sleepily, curling up against him.

"I know baby," Louis murmured back, his fingers finding their way into his curls. Harry had been up working for the album, doing shoots and promoting, scarily early this morning.


"M'kay," Louis agreed. Harry turned, facing the tv now with Louis behind, arm wrapped closely over his waist. He got a better view over the room now. He found Niall on a beanbag, eyeing them, nose slightly wrinkled. He quickly looked away when he was caught looking.

On the tv some woman was running around in shorts and a sports bra and Niall quickly changed the subject. "Look at that!"

Harry raised an eyebrow and Louis snorted. Niall continued. "She's hot. Look at those legs. Ow!"

"She's like forty," Harry disagreed.

"I hate sport bras," Niall kept going. "They take away the bounce."

"I've heard they're like the best invention for women ever," Louis said. And no, he did not have to mention that Lindsay was the one to have told him, and no he wasn't starting grow fond of her in the slightest.

"It's not. We need the shake. I," Niall pointed at himself, "I need the shake."

Louis narrowed his eyes. "You're such a guy right now."

"No, I'm just saying a like boobs," Niall said determinedly.

"I don't need the shake," Harry announced and leaned back into Louis' embrace. "Never really needed the shake."

"I bet you needed the shake when you were fifteen and horny all the time," Niall said.

"Nah, the shake was like a nice little bonus. Boobs are nice, but I never really needed them."

"You are so gay and I love it," Louis smiled fondly down at him. He grinned back up, then pursing his lips and Louis leaned down and gave him a peck.

"But you had sex with a girl before you did it with a guy right?" Niall prompted. "You didn't think about the shake at all?"

You You You | ORGINALLY WRITTEN BY ISTHATYOULARRY ON AO3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora