chapter 17: actually.

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we all walk down to the pool, all in a small conversation. none of us mentioning the obvious elephant in the room.
that they interrupted mine and leah's make out session.
they waited for us to get changed into our bikini's before we all headed off to the pool. it's an outside pool, which is good because it's the peak of uk summer, and today is the hottest day of the year. luckily, sarina changed out schedule for today, so instead of afternoon training we're having a couple hours in the gym, from 3-5, and then to dinner.
right now, it's only 11. 

we get outside, and i take off the shorts that was covering my bikini. i'm wearing a small ish bikini, really showing off my body. the bottoms are a brazilian style, and have a thinner string on the hips, the top is plain black, same shade as the bottom.
i jump in the pool, the cool water hitting my body. i throw my wet hair into a bun.
i watch as the others walk over, more reluctant to get into the cold water.

"come on don't be a pussy" i joke.  and with that, georgia immediately jumps in, covering me with her splash.
my eyes stray over to leah, who's wearing a black, low cut bra and some black bottoms - which i wasn't really paying attention to. if i'm lying, i would say my eyes weren't glued to her tits and the faint traces of abs on her stomach.
my eyes catch hers, and she rolls her eyes. she was watching me the whole time.
a smirk arises on my face, pleased with myself.

soon enough, getting bored, we all agree to play chicken. i eye up leah, knowing i could easily lift her onto my shoulders. but before i can claim leah to be on my team, lucy places her hands on with side of my shoulders.

"i'll tap out of this one" keira says

"why, you scared of what happened last time?" leah teases

"just because you beat me and lucy last time, doesn't mean i'm scared" she teases back.
i shrug at leah, who gives a questioned look to lucy, who's immediately dibsied to be on my team.
in the game chicken, two players go one their teammates shoulders and have to try get the other team out, by making them fall off into the water.

"okay, ready.." keira starts.
lucy places her hands on my hips, catching my by surprise.
lucy plunges under the water, through my legs, lifting me onto her shoulders.  i look at leah, catching her eyes, shooting her a quick wink.
keira shouts. lucy takes a few steps forwards, her hands firm on my thighs. i manage to get one hand on leah's shoulder, my other only managing to reach her waist. i push her, whilst lucy pushes georgia. they fall down into the water, with a splash. i put my hands in the air, cheering and laughing. lucy's hands still firm on my thighs. she slides her hands a little further towards the inside of my thighs.
what's up with her?
georgia and leah emerge from the water, both soaking. i laugh at them

"come on that was too easy" i sneer.

"the teams are unfair!" georgia declares. suddenly lucy dunks me underwater.

"Joder" fuck i shout, gasping, not being ready for the cold water.  i get up, pushing my wet hair out of my face, before punching lucy's shoulder harshly.

"let's change the teams, they're unfair" i say, wanting to be with leah.

"okay let's change the teams, leah and soph, georgia and lucy" keira announces. i walk over to leah.

"what's going on with you and lucy?" she asks


"she's was fucking groping your thighs like there's no tomorrow" leah whispers, not wanting the others to hear.

"so you were staring at my thighs no?" i tease, a smirk back on my face.

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