Chapter Eleven: Not That Kind Of Follower

Start from the beginning

"PROFESSOR DUNCAN!" he yelled, and the teacher turned his head and sighed at sight of the running boy. "Don't you dare close that door before I'm inside, Prof!"

"Tomlinson, why are you always late?" the teacher said, shaking his head but with a glint of fondness in the eye.

"Tomlinson?!" Elle whispered to Jenna. "TOMlinson!" She bit her cheeks not to scream.

"I promise I have a valid reason this time!" the boy said.

"And what might that be?" Professor Duncan wondered with a tone of exasperation and not believing the reason was going to be very valid at all. The guy had long since run past the two girls and was now by the door, his bag sliding off his shoulder.

"My boyfriend was giving me a blowjob so I had to be late," Tomlinson told the teacher, a little breathless from the running, a cheeky smirk on his face. He went inside and the teacher rolled his eyes.

"Oh my fucking god," Jenna half screamed to Elle.

"Girls? Are you in my class?" The question was directed at them.

"No, sir," Elle answered, trying to keep calm. The professor closed the door behind him.

"JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!" Jenna exploded.


Class was boring. Real fucking uninteresting. He'd heard it all before. Sure, he liked his professor, they had a sweet little love/hate relationship and the classmates were alright, but he loathed repetitive work. He liked it when everything was new and exciting, it kept things interesting. This however, was not.

His mind drifted to the last days. After his little mistake on twitter, that wasn't actually that bad if you thought about it, Torry shippers were confused. It was a good thing. Honestly, he didn't really understand the big fuzz about him. The only things that could lead to the assumption that Louis and Harry could be together was the picture of Harry leaving the club with someone unknown a certain night, and Louis tweeting the day after that he'd gotten laid and that he knew something nobody else did. Other than that, nothing. How could this be so big? Oh yeah right, and Harry followed him a few days later. But apart from that there wasn't really anything for them to go on! How could this be such a big deal?

Something occurred to Louis. If people had been so fast to assume Harry was dating the Tommo, there obviously had to have been some suspicion of him not being completely straight before, right? It was crazy that people would just immediately believe Harry was dating someone of the same sex just out of nowhere, without any proof whatsoever. Okay, Louis had to admit when he'd watch some of the One Directions videos before to get up to date with the whole 1D madness, Harry had some moments that didn't look particularly stereotype-ishly straight. He had also notice other things. Harry didn't use gender specification. When asked what asked what he looked for in girls, he always answered with words like "the person", "that someone" or "like somebody", or once even "if you like someone, you like 'im." It could be taken as either him or 'em, or them, but Louis saw it as a slip up, believing Harry had meant "him".
So maybe people already kind of new Harry wasn't as into girls? Well, to the media he was as straight as Barney Stinson in How I Met Your Mother (if you looked away from the fact that they actor was gay), but some people knew. This kind of gave Louis a little bit of hope. If people already knew and had accepted it, hence the Torry situation, then if Harry wanted to come out later, it wouldn't be as bad as they thought?

"Tomlinson, I'd like you back in my classroom, please," Duncan said sternly, eyeing him where Louis was sitting, staring out the window in the row to the left. He jerked in his seat, startled at the interruption of his thoughts. Some of the class snickered and he gazed at the teacher.

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