First Day Of School

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So today is the first day of school nd I only knw one person my friend bri we been friends since pre-k

We have all the same classes ...😋🙌😉

First period😈

So.. me nd bri walk in class nd we 5 mins late to class


Teacher: young ladys y'all r late on the first day of school Wat are                                                     

Your name

India : India Westbroook

Bri:Brianna James

Teacher:go take a seat

Girls :ok

India pov: this lady already getting on my nerves nd I just got in this class

She better watch her self..let me be good it the first day of school

Teacher: ok class my name is Mrs harris and I will be teaching

U Math so now we going to take the time to tell about yourself

India Westbrook would u like to go first

India:sure my name India Westbrook I'm 17 best friend Brianna

Yup that it..🙌💕🍸

Teacher: thx  Mrs India who next 

Class: no one 

Teacher:ok then now y'all can have free time for the next 30 min

India Westbrook storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora