Chapter Four: Banana Pants (Or As Straight As A Flexible Ruler)

Start from the beginning

-Haha not a chance.
-Louis? Should I go all out and wear yellow pants tonight?

Louis caught himself grinning and immediately stopped when he got a weird look from Darren.

-If you wear yellow pants then I will personally give you an award for most gay appearance on stage


-You should do it though


-What will I have to do to make you do it?

-If you go a whole day at work wearing a scarf, glasses and your hair parted in the middle, I'll do it. And I'll be needing proof

Louis snickered. Easy. That was totally worth seeing Harry in tight yellow trousers.

"Who are you texting?" Darren's voice was close, leaning on the other side of the island in the middle of the kitchen. "You're laughing out loud."

"Ha –ngh." Dammit. He couldn't say Harry Styles for Christ sake.

"Who?" Darren frowned.




"But he's in the other room."

"We...uh. We miss each other a lot." Louis explained just as Niall came out of the other room, his phone conveniently in hand. "See?" Louis went up to Niall and gave him a hug. Niall just shrugged, accepting it with a pat on Louis' head, which Louis was going to kill him for later. Nobody touched the Tommo's hair.

"Okay..." Darren said, frown still on his face. Louis picked up his phone again.

-I'll do it after your ass is in yellow pants

-Okay then



Louis smirked. He had a feeling that Harry just wanted an excuse to wear the damn pants. Well, Louis didn't exactly mind. Harry looked good in all sorts of pants. Especially tight ones...


The afternoon dragged on slowly. They watched tv and ate pizza and Louis pretended not to notice Darren's intense stares that made him very, very uncomfortable and continued to text Harry. Louis was sure Harry wasn't going to go through with the bet. Why would he go on stage in front of sixty thousand people in yellow pants only so he could see Louis in a scarf and glasses? It seemed a bit exaggerative in a way. But hey if Harry wanted to do I then fine by Louis. He would easily go like that to work if it meant Harry making a fool of himself in front of thousands. And it wasn't like Louis disliked scarves. There had actually been a time in high school when a scarf had been a very necessary accessory to his daily outfits, but he had dropped it ages ago, so this was an easy bet. But knowing Harry he would probably be loved even more for it.

Later, Harry texted him again.

-I'm going on stage in a few. I'm wearing the pants.

-Hahaha this shall be fun. You are so gay

-Oi! I'm as straight as a ruler

-A very flexible ruler that is

-Maybe a little flexible

-A tad

Louis smirked at his phone. Definitely gay. The rest of the night was nice. Louis commented passionately on how silly the movie they were watching was while Niall and Darren laughed. It was about some couple that pretended to like each other and the ending was so painfully obvious that Louis couldn't stand it. He was bored and started to throw crisps at the talking guy's face on the tv, yelling "eat it, eat it!"

You You You | ORGINALLY WRITTEN BY ISTHATYOULARRY ON AO3Where stories live. Discover now