Chapter One: Unknown

Start from the beginning

Much later Louis found himself on the dance floor, making everybody around him look like amateurs. He remembered seeing Niall at the bar with Shauna, a girl Louis had walked in on naked in their bathroom way too many times that was allowed. He would have to talk to Niall about this. But first he needed the gents' room. He was all sweaty and felt like he needed a look in a mirror before he went to find a guy to take home.
Even though the club was full, the bathroom seemed pretty much empty. Louis took a moment to fix up his fringe and soak up some sweat from his neck with a paper towel. He washed his hands quickly and just as he turned around he bumped into something. His head flashed up and he found himself staring into impossibly green and terribly mesmerizing eyes. They both stood still, almost pressed up against each other. He couldn't tell much about this guy, other than that he was tall and hadn't stepped away from their closeness.

"Hi," Louis said breathlessly. His eyes flicked lower. Woah. Lips. This guy's smile was the biggest he'd ever seen on a boy, and god, he had dimples.

"Oops!" he smiled. His voice was deep and his eyes twinkled with that perfect ounce of charm that Louis always seemed to look for. Slowly the guy grabbed hold of Louis' arms and turned, making them switch places. A one-dimpled smile formed on this face as he turned towards the sink. He bent down in his black and very, very tight jeans and the fabric clung perfectly around his bum. His white shirt that already showed off a lot of collarbone, hung and through the mirror Louis could see a milky skinned stomach and a toned, tattooed chest.
Louis just stood there, a little taken aback. Damn, this guy was absolutely breathtaking. Then he wanted to hit himself with a shovel. Breathtaking? Get your shit together, Tommo.
Shaking his head, he tried to rid himself of the daze he'd been brought in. He was about the take a step for the door when he heard the guy's low rumble of a voice again.

"You know I can see you checking out my arse in the mirror." He met Louis' eyes through the glass. His cheeks immediately turned crimson as he felt himself blush. He scolded himself internally. He never blushed. "It's rude." The curly haired boy smirked. Quickly, Louis found the words at the edge of his tongue.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I was just admiring your jeans." He smirked and the boy's laugh echoed against the ceiling. The sound did something to Louis' insides. He wanted to hear more of it. This boy couldn't be older than twenty. The boyish grin he wore gave it away. He dried his hands on his jeans and leaned back against the sink, tilting his head to the side. Slowly, he gave Louis a once over.

"Not too bad yourself." Louis just smirked back. Yes, this was the guy. He was definitely taking him home. Louis could just tell this was going to be good sex. "Nice shoes." Curly added.

"Nice shirt." Louis said, taking a step closer. He was only feet away now. He eyed the collarbones of the lad, feeling the desire build in the lower part of his gut. The dark haired boy leaned his head back, hands clutching the sink on either side of him, smiling down knowingly.

"Nice tan." Louis smiled. He actually was very proud of his natural all year around tan-looking skin. He took another step closer.

"Nice hair. Curly." They were only inches apart and Louis could feel the anticipation burning inside him.

"Nice fringe." He smirked and let a feather light hand run along Louis' caramel hair. Normally Louis would've slapped anyone who tried to touch his hair, but oddly the light touch was only making him warm inside.

"Nice collarbones." He couldn't help it. He licked his lips. They were only inches apart, thighs barely touching. The stranger reached his hands out, clutching them firmly around Louis' bum cheeks, pressing him up against him. A surprised and aroused breath escaped Louis' lips, but it wasn't like he minded. The lad leaned down, their noses touching side by side. Louis gulped. This guy was making him so... Well, he was taking all the dominance out of him.

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