We get to the house and I head upstairs with Zara. "Home sweet home." She smiles as she walks in. It felt great knowing she was now calling this home.

I sit down on the couch and rub my eyes tired from the travel, the drinking and lack of sleep. Now I had to deal with this bullshit.

"I cant remember the last time Ive been here." Hailey says walking into the penthouse with Roman. She looked around as if it was her first time here?

"Hey." Zara says to the girls as she walked back out from the kitchen. "Hey Zara." They say in unison.

Roman plops himself down on the couch and so do the girls.

"How was Cabo?" Hailey asks.

"Yeah great." I tell her. Her phone was ringing and she looks at it. Roman who sat next to her looks at her phone pulling a face.

"Who is Fabian?" He asks.

"None of your business." She says as she moved her phone. Roman snatched the phone making her scream out. "Ill answer it and tell him you eat Nutella out the jar with your fingers."

"Oh my God." She screams. "Fine, he is my boyfriend. What is the matter with you?"

"Ew." He says dropping the phone on her lap. "Arent you too young to have a boyfriend?" I ask her

"You had a girlfriend at 14?" She says. "I remember."

"You remember me having a girlfriend 7 years ago?" I ask her. "I was 9? Not an infant. God." She says

"You had a girlfriend at 14?" Zara asks me. "Thats so adorable."

"Kain always had a girlfriend. Ever since I remember." Hailey says rolling her eyes. "So no I am 16, I am old enough to have a boyfriend."

"So who is Fabian?"

"You know Fabian." She says rolling her eyes. "You have met Fabian?"

"Fabian Pondarosa?" I ask and she nods. We knew his older brother Timothy and went to school with him. He was close friends with Christopher Reynolds. Our parents were friends and Ive seen Fabian around when they were around. I am sure they were at the anniversary party.

"Thought he was like 12?"

"Hes 16." She says as she rolled her eyes for the millionth time.

"Anyway..." Zara says. "Whats he like?" She asks Hailey who smiles almost lighting up with the thought of him. It made me want to be sick.

"Hes kind and really funny." She says. "We went on a picnic last week."

"Thats so cute." Zara says and I watch Charlie pretend to vomit.

"Im gonna go play games." Charlie says getting up going to my game room. "I will join you." I say. I look at Zara before pressing a kiss down on her lips.

"Whats with all the boxes?" Hailey asks.

"I moved in." Zara tells her. "You wanna help me unpack?"

"Is there not someone that does that?" She asks making Zara laugh. "Yeah. Us."

"Oh God." Hailey says as she gets up. I wonder off with Charlie and walk into my game room. I was super proud of it, screens, my console, nice chairs.

"Almost as nice as mine." Charlie comments making me laugh. We play games for a good hour and laughed and joked. It was nice hanging out with Charlie.

"So... mom tells us she isnt your actual birth mother." She says randomly.

"Yep." I say

"Dont hate her please." She says as she continued looking at the screen and didnt even stop the game. She just moved her headset a little so she could hear me.

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