Chapter 2 - I've seen enough

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I was for sure curious to figure what was more important to him than his own wife.

Something was up and I was going to get fix it or get to the bottom of it one way or another.


I had Roshad pick me up from the cafe to take me to the house Dalton and I shared in Montecito figuring that's where he would be since it was Saturday and not a work day.

"Thank you for coming to pick me up, Ro. I've missed you so much. How is your family? Tell them I said hello and that I hope they are all doing well." I say softly to him, making brief eye contact with him and give him a gentle smile since he was driving.

Nonetheless, he returned the smile before replying in a caring manner, "Everyone is great, Ari. Thank you for asking and I'll be sure to tell them. How's everything been going in London?"

"It has been a dream come true. I still can't find the words. This is all I have ever wanted, you know this." I expressed with gratitude as he glances back up, smiling at me.

"Oh, of course. I'm so happy for you. You have worked so hard to get where you are. I'm so proud of you. All the work you have put in has really paid off." He says like a proud parent while in reality he has always been a second father figure to me.

Always taking care of me on the road and when I needed a body guard. I considered him to be apart of my family.

"I just can't believe that it's real, Ro..." I say, as we pull up to the front gate of my estate.

Roshad lightly chuckles and shakes his head as he reaches out of the window to key in the tremendously long passcode I created to open the gate. 

The extensive code was unfortunately my idea due to the couple stalkers I have had arrested in the past couple of years.

As insane as it sounds, I don't understand why they wanted to be so close to me or to harm me. The last one had what was presumed to be a hunting knife of some sort.

The person wanted to hurt me and my family. I was not going to let that happen again.

Anyway, enough about that. Anxious tension had started to rise in the car as we proceeded onto the elongated driveway with the greenery of the lawn looking a pretty and perfect as ever.

I need to give my landscaping workers a raise.

In all reality, I'd rather focus on the extensive process of the lawn care, plants and trees that scattered the proximity than even acknowledge my god forsaken thoughts at this given moment in time.

I place my head in my hands and take a couple deep breaths to try and relax my state that was currently shifting as I heard Roshad utter his next words at me with a sense of confusion because he knew that Dalton is private.

"Um, looks like D has a little bit of company."

I quickly look up and my jaw hangs to the floor in shock. I don't recognize this car at all. I don't know anyone that drives an Audi convertible.

Who the fuck is at MY house?

"Do you want me to say here in case you need me Ariana?" Roshad asks as he parks the car and turns his full attention to me.

Eternal SunshineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora