33 | Heartstrings Attached

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" No Thanu , we ourselves were unaware about Lakshmanaa's reason of agony. We did know she wasn't fine with a lot of things but we could never imagine that her hurt ran this deep that it has taken a form of rage now " , Pradyumna spoke when his eyes lifted to see Bhanu who turned to leave.

" Lal? " , Pradyumna called out to Bhanu.

" I have wronged Lakshmanaa Bhrata ! We blessed her to stand by her side as her brothers and I failed to see her agony in my own grief and later happiness. She has lost the men of her family Bhrata , her father - the man closest to a daughter's heart. Have we ever tried to see that side ? " , Bhanu's words made Suthanu look at him.

Suthanu moved towards Bhanu who looked at her trying to decipher her emotions.

" You must go meet Manaa , Natha and I am genuinely happy about your decision" , Suthanu whispered with a smile as Bhanu broke into a smile. His Suthanu had not let him down. Pradyumna nodded at Bhanu as he came to stand by Suthanu's side. A silent understanding passed between the brothers as Pradyumna blinked his eyes in assurance.

Rukmavati came beside Suthanu as Bhanu left the place.

" Thanu , you .."

" He is right Bhabhi. Lakshmanaa has always been the bait for being on the wrong side , be it during the dice game or after the Kurukshetra. Almost everyone were on my side but who was there for her? " , Suthanu's words made Rukmavati smile softly. 

" We will be there for her " , Pradyumna declared placing his palm on Suthanu's head affectionately, " Yet now , we are there for you Ladli. We will always be there ".

Suthanu smiled with slight tears at Rukmavati and Pradyumna even as the younger daughters of Krishna rushed to her side to give her a hug.

Bhanu stepped in to the meeting chambers within Lakshmanaa's room after seeking her permission

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Bhanu stepped in to the meeting chambers within Lakshmanaa's room after seeking her permission.

" What brings you here , Bhrata? To belittle for me for accusing your wife? " , Lakshmanaa's voice was sharp. She was facing her back to him.

" I wish I could say I came here as your Bhrata ,Lakshmanaa " , Bhanu spoke softly , " But having failed to keep up my responsibilities towards you , it gives me no right ".

Lakshmanaa turned to face him , whispering - " Bhrata? ".

" I am sorry " , Bhanu held his ears sincerely as Lakshmanaa rushed to his side , shaking her head.

" I am sorry , I misunderstood your intention for your arrival " , Lakshmanaa apologized , " Please sit Bhrata ".

Bhanu gestured her to take a seat as he took his place.

" Why were you crying , Lakshmanaa? " , Bhanu questioned softly as Lakshmanaa looked startled , " Don't look at me in surprise. It is seen all over your face ".

" I didn't mean to say that about Tathsree Yudhishthira, Bhrata. I don't know , what  made me insane to say that. Believe me or not , I regret it from the depths of my heart" , Lakshmanaa was soft.

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